July 22 to July 28, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

On this Monday (moon-day) we are still feeling some of the energy of last week’s Full Moon in Capricorn. There might be some things you haven’t yet taken care of, that have come back to “haunt” you this week because Capricorn’s planetary ruler (Saturn) doesn’t like procrastination. Just because Grandmother Saturn is retrograding in Pisces, doesn’t mean she’s gonna let you off the hook so easily. She’s telling you to get your sh!t together in order to get more of what you want.

We are also entering into Leo season this week, but before we can enter into this fire sign’s vibrant energy, we first have some things to take care of–the “party” won’t start until you do so.

Beginning of the Week

Whatever you are being called to take care of, you will feel the heaviness of over the next few days. Spirit wants you to know that you are chained to your past, and this is what is blocking your progress. There are emotional ties you have to release in order to move forward. And these ties are messing with your thoughts–you might be unclear about something and doing a lot of second guessing. If a person comes back from your past for another chance, first consider what they have of value to offer you. I get the sense for many of you this person is up to no good; they may be looking to ride your coattails; be careful.

Do some soul searching over the next few days to figure out what it is you are overlooking. I feel this may be “work” you’ve been called to do but have been putting off. Whatever has been nagging at you to be taken care of, get to it so you can have more fun!

Middle of the Week

Continue to cut off false ties and energies that no longer serve you. This isn’t just limited to people–it could also be any unhealthy habits you’ve been warned to change. You may be wanting a life update or glow-up–now is the time to get the advice of a life coach or therapist, update your schedule and routines, maybe join a gym or start some other kind of wellness program. Whatever you choose to do to improve yourself and your life, Spirit suggests keeping it to yourself for now. Haters are everywhere and you don’t want those evil eyes to throw you off track.

End of the Week

OK, now the Leo party can begin; enough with the crying and moodiness! Time to show up and step out! You will have a reason to celebrate this weekend, and hopefully you can do it with loved ones, or maybe with strangers–anything is possible!


This new season is bringing with it new life and opportunities! If you’ve been wanting a makeover, this is the perfect time to do so. Be sure to look your personal best when you go out because you never know who you’ll meet.

Tap into this Leo energy for a greater sense of fulfillment and opportunities, and this will involve other people–community. If you’re feeling like you don’t know that many people or you’re not connecting with your current tribe, then take this moment to network. Put yourself out there because there are plenty of folks in this world who want to help you and love you. You are worthy!


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