July 29 to August 4, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

As I’m writing this I’m feeling a bit cloudy in the mind–the shadow energy of Mercury’s retrograde is upon us! Definitely take things slow and steady this week; breathe and read the fine print (twice) before committing to anything. In fact, pause before reacting because miscommunication is high right now.

The funny thing about experiencing a Mercury retrograde (in Virgo) during Leo season is that the mind will spin with thoughts on the future while the body remains present, and grounded. So you might be thinking of planning ahead but will want to be doing something else. This energy is very reminiscent of a child wanting to play but having to do their homework first. Try to find some middle ground between the current confusion and desired delusion–possibly taking a more “tried and true” approach to any new projects or opportunities that present themselves this week. Work with what works; no need to be innovative right now.

Beginning of the week:

Try your best not to listen to that inner voice telling you that something is wrong. Here in the present, it’s all good–stable, in fact. Wait to respond to an idea or notion–the pause to breathe will be your best friend during this agitated time. The same applies to anyone who comes in your space with any kind of drama–stay out of it and mind your business if it doesn’t apply to you.

Take plenty of time for play and rest over the next few days. Make sure to get enough sleep; don’t work so hard. Meditation will help to ease any tensions in your psyche.

By the way, don’t rush into any new contracts right now, if you can help it. The scam alert is on high this week.

Middle of the week:

I get the sense that some of you feel you made a mistake with respect to your romantic entanglements (or are about to make a ‘oops’). This is due to reacting first versus trying to assess the situation. Some of you may have blown up at your significant other and are regretting it. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and admit where you went wrong. Apologizing will help you move past this challenge. Place a little honey on your tongue before speaking to your person, to sweeten the conversation. Be willing to compromise in any argument right now–love is the answer!

Gestures of love and kindness will go far to help your loved one know you care about them. Actions speak louder than words, and this applies to all of your relationships. Put in more effort, or be bold in asking for your needs to be met.

End of the week:

Spirit advises you to move this weekend–move your body and move the energy, to shift your circumstances. There are opportunities and money coming in–you need to make space for these gifts. Some of you may even be offered the chance to physically move or relocate, possibly for work.

For some of you, Spirit wants you to know that certain blocks in your life are being destroyed, while at the same time you are being asked to continue to break down those barriers. You are now free to move on, out, and forward–the only ‘block’ in your path is you. This message especially applies to you if you’ve been feeling stuck for so long and have been diligently working on your goals. I feel that this is with respect to your finances–don’t lose hope because that new job is right around the corner!


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