June 10 to June 16, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

This is the final full week of Gemini season; how has it been treating you so far? The Gemini energy has been testing my relationships while also opening me up to new social circles. Whenever there is a shakeup in our lives, let this be an opportunity to see/understand what in your life needs to be strengthened or released.

This coming week’s energy has multiple messages so pay close attention. Read thoroughly to see which ones apply the most.

The start of this week will be very energetic and lively. You may feel a surge of inspiration and want to take action; wanting to “go for yours”. Spirit is giving you the green light to move towards the direction of what is driving you now. You have the power, authority, and resources in place to move boldly ahead with your intentions. This is a wonderful time to start new projects or complete them.

You may begin to see more of the returns on investments from the seeds you’ve planted–some wonderful news, messages, or insights are coming your way. Last week I mentioned to remain silent with your plans and intentions, at least until your manifestations have taken shape in the material. This week may be time to start sharing the news with others, especially if you need allies to help you complete your master plans.

This weekend is Father’s Day here in the U.S. Many have problematic relationships with their fathers and parents, if any at all. You may want to consider being open to closure with the Mother/Father relationships in your life. Consider, what did “family” mean to you as a child, and what does it mean to you now? And how can you cultivate more of your ideal vision of “family”? I get that it’s not easy to look at those parent wounds within us, but the energy is right for healing, and moving forward. Doing so will help you tremendously, especially with the relationship with your own children, if you have any (or plan to).


Look to guidance, on moving past these old pains, from your Divine Mother and Divine Father. Some may call these the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine principles. Others may call them Goddess and God. Consider what the spiritual version of Mother and Father look like for you.

P.S: some parental relationships will be shifting soon. Maybe some of you couples with children will be questioning the sustainability of the relationship. Maybe your parents have been distant in their relationships, and considering a separation or divorce. Don’t get involved in their business–you have your own garden to tend to.


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