June 24 to June 30, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

Hello Cancer season! We are now in the energetic domain of the sacred crab who traditionally rules the home and family. Where does Cancer fall within your chart? These may be areas that you’re being asked to establish stronger foundations for. As we enter into the Summer season and close out this month, we are being asked to be more selective with our priorities; to be more discerning with our choices.

The King of Cups in Tarot is advising you to stay focused on your goals; keep your eyes on the prize (desired outcome). No matter what may be happening around you, try not to get distracted, and more importantly, stay out of the drama! If it does not involve you, no need to get involved. And trust me, you will be tempted to get involved this week. The energy at the start of this week will have an element of temptation. You might, for example, be tempted to slip into an old pattern; as long as you stay focused on your desired outcome, you will overcome.

There’s a message regarding your finances, since we are still under the influence of last week’s Capricorn Full Moon–not all money is good money. Some things you may be tempted to pursue may not be for you; all that glitters isn’t gold. Beware of trickery and scams; this is not the time for any “get rich quick” schemes. The King of Wands advises you not to take any shortcuts with your money. Don’t accept an opportunity just because it seems too good to be true; do your research! And don’t forget to read the fine print.


The energy for the rest of the week

Your path towards success is your own, and may not look like the path of those around you. Sometimes that can feel lonely but Spirit wants you to be open to new connections this week, or even reconnecting with some old friends. You are poised for success but you won’t get there alone.

Remember your “why” this week, especially if you feel like quitting. Some of you have been focused on building a business or completing a project that hasn’t quite worked out the way you’ve wanted it to. Setbacks and roadblocks are part of the growth process–be assured there’s nothing wrong. Whenever you find yourself wanting to quit, it just means you need to take a pause. And more importantly, ask for help. There are plenty of folks willing to help; you just have to be open to them.

Take a break this weekend from the hustle and grind. This will help you rest and will renew your energy for the tasks ahead. Make time for friends and socializing because someone may have solutions for your needs.


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