June 3 to June 9, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

Happy June everyone! While we’re in the sign of the cosmic twins (Gemini) remember to reach out to your community for assistance. And yes community can also mean spiritual allies. Community can also mean partnerships in every sense of the word. This is a time to lean on your people for support, to help you get to the next stage of your life. BUT this can also be a time when your relationships are being tested, to see if the people in your present are meant to walk with you towards your next destination.

There’s something sacred about this week. The current energy is inviting us to make even the most mundane task, sacred in some way. How can you incorporate more rituals in your daily routine? Maybe it’s adding a little Florida Water to the bucket when you’re mopping the home. Maybe it’s lighting a scented candle during your work day, or maybe it’s taking a moment to look up at the moon on your commute home…Spirit is reminding you that every day and every moment is sacred, and special. The more you can tap into the sensuality of life, the greater the reasons to be grateful. Don’t take anything for granted and take a moment to smell the roses.

Health is wealth and this is a great week to catch up on those medical appointments you’ve been putting off. You might feel inspired to start a new fitness routine or try a new diet. Take plenty of time to spend outdoors, and in nature if possible. Mama Earth wants to help you stay grounded and also wants to share some of her secret sauce to help you feel your best. Your body is your temple; treat it with respect!


On the 6th we welcome a New Moon in Gemini, helping us overcome those stubborn mental blocks which are keeping us stuck. Use this lunar energy to get clear on what to try next. Gemini’s energy may have you wanting to try so many different things, but you’re not gonna be able to do it all; choose your focus and stick to this path. Charge ahead towards your desired outcome!

If you’ve been stuck in negative thought patterns, this is definitely the time to clear the mental clutter. Try moving your body more, and getting fresh air. And remember to stick to the facts! If you don’t have proof, don’t make assumptions or give in to the “what ifs”. The illusions are fading.

Once the fog clears up a bit towards the end of the week, you may need to take a retreat to even out the energy which will prepare us for Cancer season in the coming weeks. I get the sense that the current Divine downloads may feel a bit overwhelming at times, and can contribute to mental chaos. But rest assured, once this wild ride gets to a more manageable pace, we’ll be able to have more stability moving forward.

Some of you may want to look into planning a trip soon–getting away from the hustle and bustle is very much needed. Some of you live near a beach or body of water–if this is you, spend more time there to help bring in more ease to your life.

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