March 11 to March 17, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

March 11 to March 17, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

Last week’s energy was quite intense for me, and I know it was as well for many folks around me. The New Moon in Pisces initiated a final ‘purge’ before we welcome Spring (and Aries season), which will help us begin a new cycle. But before we begin we have to make space for a new beginning. We have to continue to be willing to see what needs to be seen and continue to do the hard things many others won’t.

Thankfully I do get a sense of greater peace and ease this week. If last week’s energy shook the table, this week will help you process what came up for you. You’ll be able to understand with greater clarity what the higher energies want you to know, and do moving forward. Take some time at the start of this week to reflect on what you’ve learned so far this year. Think of this as a final assessment before we enter a new energetic cycle next week. Doing this will help you conclude some challenge that has been frustrating for you.

After you’ve done your initial review, be willing to sprinkle some love onto the areas of your life lately that have been lacking it. For example, maybe some of your relationships have been challenging over the past few months–is there room for a resolution? Maybe forgiveness, closure, or even second chances? Maybe you need to be more loving towards yourself–how have you been treating yourself lately? Allow whatever emotional knots that have come up for you, to unravel with the love you give to them. Let healing begin to take place.

Towards the end of the week some of you may be presented with a situation or opportunity where you are uncertain as to whether or not you should move forward with it. I get a sense of mistrust and/or insecurity–you might want to know how it’s all gonna work out, but Spirit can only show you one step at a time. This will be something you want but are hesitant about for some reason–if this is the case, Spirit assures taking the step forward will be fruitful for you. For some of you I get the sense this a job opportunity you don’t feel totally qualified for. Go for it! Move forward confidently.

Check out what 2024 has in store for you!

Here’s an except about the first quarter of the year, from the 2024 Guide. Definitely things have come to pass as I’ve felt and described here:

The first three months of the year start off with many changes. The Cardinal signs initiate a shift, and for us the shift begins with Capricorn season, reminding us to be consistent with our goals. We will always reach the top if we are willing to put in the work. Make your goals/intentions/resolutions a top-priority this quarter, so you can stay in the zone of productivity.

There will be shifts within our relationships, our careers, and also our outer world. Pluto, ruler of the underworld, moves back into Aquarius this January, and this will bring potent shifts to our communities. You may, for example, feel inspired to take up a new cause, or maybe even start a new community service initiative. Pluto also rules secrets, while Aquarius is a notorious gossip, so some juicy tidbits may be made public. With “cancel culture” at an all-time high, there may be some public figures going down in infamy with some of the secrets which will be revealed about them.

If you’ve been yearning for a change, this quarter will be the time to get it done.

2024 Guide


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