May 13 to May 19, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

This week’s main energy is about the mental; different aspects of the mind. Tapping into potent insights and information. Great clarity is possible if you are open to it. If you’ve been feeling mentally stuck or unsure on how to proceed on a decision, you may finally get the green light you’ve been waiting on.

At the start of this week we’re being asked to tap into our creative mind. The abundance and success you seek are in your passion projects and creative endeavors. Some of you may even be receiving an opportunity to earn some money doing what you love–there’s something fun on the way to you. If you’re unclear about which career path to take, follow what lights you up and inspires you. This is your path towards prosperity.

Take some mental rest towards the middle of this week. You may have been trying hard to figure something out; now’s not the time to take action. Pause and take a moment to clear the clutter in your mind. You can do this through mindfulness meditation, to quiet the busyness in your thoughts. Spirit wants you to know that you’ve done a great job so far, so there’s no need to worry that things aren’t working out. Have patience with yourself and your circumstances as the seeds of your hard work begin to sprout.

Towards the end of the week you’ll be led to shift your perspective on your circumstances–trying to find the silver lining in any challenge you are facing. You are on the right path, even if you may not (yet) see confirmation of that. Your focus is off; you may either be distracted in some way or you are seeing things as worse than they are. Some of you are in a state of lack mentality–take some advice from the Queen of Pentacles to help you see the value in this moment.

My best advice for you this week is to take your time and try your best not to make any major decisions right now, at least not until you have all the details in place. This is a time to wait to receive the answers to your prayers, and while you wait you can focus on resting your mind. Doing this will help you gain the confidence you need to move forward on a clearer path.

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