Rapid Manifestation with St. Expedite

Rapid Manifestation with St. Expedite

St. Expedite is a powerful Saint to call upon for immediate and rapid solutions, especially related to material concerns. St. Expedite is considered more as a “folk” saint, often called upon by marginalized peoples for intercession. He is wonderful to call on when you really need help–you’re in dire need of money to pay the rent, or need some other resource that will really help you. I would also do a joint novena with St. Expedite and St. Jude, if you are seeking rapid miracles regarding health and healing.

St. Expedite has always come through for me, and this blog post is a way to thank him for his aid.

His feast day is today, April 19th, so what better way to honor him than to share of his miracles?

In order to work with him, you must pay it forward. Make a donation in his name to a charity of choice–I prefer to donate to this shrine, which is the oldest surviving Catholic church in New Orleans, and also houses a statue of St. Expedite/mini shrine to him.

Besides making a donation, also make his miracles known, through word of mouth or any other means.

Here is the Novena (9 days of consecutive prayer) I use to pray to him.

Thank you St. Expedite for your miracles!

How has St. Expedite helped you overcome your challenges? Let me know in the comments.


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