Road Opener Novena for better outcomes

Road Opener Novena for better outcomes

Many spiritualists try different “road opener” tactics to ensure the best possible outcomes; good luck, opportunities, and other desires. The purpose being that oftentimes we don’t even realize that our paths are blocked–by fear, insecurity, doubt, negativity, and yes even conditions such as evil eyes, hexes, jinxes, etc. Visualize a flowing stream, and now imagine the flow being blocked by rocks–the water will find its way through but not as powerfully or consistently.

Road opening work can help to remove the gunk that’s keeping you stuck.

One of the best methods I use to open my roads is through a joint Novena to The Holy Infant of Atocha and to St. Barbara. This novena is for a general road opening; if you’d like to open the roads towards a specific path (towards romance, for example) then you can combine with other Saints, depending on their patronage.

The Holy Infant of Atocha is a veneration of Jesus Christ in his child form, and is particularly known for helping with any injustices or false imprisonment. If you feel your road is being unjustly blocked, then make your case to him. In some African Traditional Religions and spiritual lineages, the Orisha Eleggua is syncretized with the Holy Infant of Atocha. Eleggua is known as the keeper of the roads–he knows all possible paths and outcomes. I use this particular Novena and I usually make a donation in his name, to his shrine. I would also light a candle in your home or at a Catholic church, for illumination on your path. Do all of this before the end of the Novena (9 days of consecutive prayer).

Saint Barbara is known for standing strong in her beliefs. She defied her father with her conversion to Christianity, and as a result was ultimately martyred for her faith. She never wavered on her faith and is depicted with a canon because she can help you blast through obstacles. In some African Traditional Religions and spiritual lineages the Orisha Sango is syncretized with St. Barbara for his bravery, courage, and ability to help you confidently go for what you want. Pray to St. Barbara to help you obliterate any obstacles standing in your way, especially any fears or insecurities, so you can boldly take action towards your desires. I use this Novena, make a donation to her shrine, and also light a candle at a Catholic church. For candles you can use one dedicated to the particular Saint you are petitioning, or I would use a white candle.

There are no guaranteed outcomes; stay open and flexible to the manifestations of your desires, and have faith that you will soon be in alignment. And during any Novena, be sure to pay attention to your dreams and any other messages, or signs–this is how your prayer will be answered. You will have to take some form of action so listen for the guidance received.

Have you ever petitioned these Saints before? Or what do you do for road opening work?


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