Spiritual Protection Beyond the Basics: How to Spot a Spiritual Attack

"How to spot a spiritual attack" blog post title on a light grey background with the shape of an evil eye in the middle. Triangles and rectangles in red along the border.

After posting my guide to spiritual protection for beginners, I received a question from someone under a spiritual attack wanting to learn how to recognize them. Sometimes they are more potent but for the most part spiritual attacks are very sneaky at first, until they build in power. Learning how to spot a spiritual attack is essential for maintaining your spiritual hygiene.

These are considered evil eye energy and jinxes–minor spiritual attacks that can build momentum over time. They usually don’t last long and can be weak, especially if your spiritual protections are in place. But the negative energy works to attack your energetic field (or Aura) when you are most vulnerable. For example, you are more susceptible to a spiritual attack in your sleep, when intoxicated, or when in a lower vibrational state (such as depression).

You might experience a time of “bad luck”, when things just don’t seem to be going right, and usually it starts in one area of your life and builds out to others. Usually these moments happen without warning, so there’s no build-up to it–it really feels like it just came out of nowhere.

These attacks are meant more to throw you off, to cause chaos and mischief, and sometimes cause minor bodily harm. Think of them as a temporary moment of bad luck.

These include hexes (known to some as crossed conditions) and curses. This is the darker and heavier stuff, and can be long-lasting. Hexes may not last as long as curses whereas curses can be generational. These are the kinds of spiritual attacks that are more challenging to break, and take a lot more work to maintain. They also are more obvious in their approach. They aren’t “out of nowhere”; they take time to build. Oftentimes they are only focused on one area of your life, such as relationships or money. So for example, you may have never experienced a healthy romantic relationship, or you never seem to be able to keep money in your bank account.

These kinds of attacks are usually followed by supernatural occurrences. Possibly hauntings, night terrors, terrifying visions, bad smells but you can’t locate the source; overall unexplainable negative phenomena.

These attacks are usually meant to really hurt you–they are causing harm to your life and/or body. These are long-lasting circumstances of bad luck and misfortune.

Hexes and Curses are from people intentionally wanting to cause you harm. This could be done in a number of ways through spell and prayer work, and they take A LOT of work and energy to manifest, so the person has to be really invested to initiate these kinds of attacks.

This could also happen through other means such as inheriting hexed/cursed objects or property. This is more complex information but basically there has to be an intent to do harm to create these kinds of circumstances.

The more subtle attacks may or may not be intentional. Evil Eye energy, for example, can be caused from someone watching your posts on social media with envy in their hearts–wanting what you have. Or hating that you are more successful than them. In this case, all it takes is that energy, whether with intention or not, to cause some kind of harm (if you don’t have protections in place). You can become jinxed, for example, if you are often around someone who is dealing with some kind of negative energetic condition which could be contagious–you could have caught a bit of that spiritual “funk” from them. A jinx can also be intentional.

This is why maintaining a consistent routine of spiritual hygiene is so important.

Periods of bad luck and negativity can happen to anyone, but how can you tell if it’s because of a spiritual attack?

Well, if there’s an area of your life that was going good for a while–so let’s say you had a great 10 years of wonderful career advancement and then you start to lose opportunities, maybe lose money, and then you can’t seem to catch a break afterwards; it seems like no matter how hard you try, nothing changes in your favor. This can be from an attack, especially if you haven’t done anything obvious to head on such a downward spiral.

Besides some of the examples I mentioned, here are some other ways you can tell if you are under a form of spiritual attack:

  • A protective item (such as jewelry) breaks, with no indication of prior damage, especially if your protective jewelry breaks, gets lost or stolen often.
  • If a protective candle you light burns with black smoke.
  • A mirror breaks, with no indication of prior damage. Or you are constantly breaking things but you don’t consider yourself a clumsy person.
  • You are constantly tripping or stubbing your toes.
  • The eye on your non-dominant side twitches often.
  • You get whiffs of bad smells (like rotting meat) without any explanation as to where it’s coming from.

This is not a comprehensive list by any means. One of the best ways to determine if you are under attack is by getting a reading. Please note that there are plenty of scammers out there who will tell you all kinds of things to scare you into paying thousands of dollars for relief. But also note that even a reputable reader/spiritualist will charge for any kind of protection/spell work as they should, since they are providing a service. Just be discerning with anyone you solicit for a reading.

First let me say that not everything “bad” that happens is the result of a spiritual attack. We have the free will to make choices for ourselves and every choice has a consequence, for better or worse. Don’t overwhelm yourself trying to figure out if you are the victim of a spiritual attack. You will know when something is off and your spirit will guide you to take some action. Maybe reading this post is a good first step.

I recommend getting a reading in order to understand the kind of energies surrounding you to determine what kind of attack you’re dealing with (if any at all). I offer a “spiritual protection” reading to do just that but of course you can work with any Spiritualist you trust.

Speaking with a trusted Spiritualist can help you know what next steps to take, to tackle the energies attacking you.


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