Daily Tarot Reading-3/19/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! You've been waiting a while for some good news or a blessing; have patience and faith because there will be a rainbow after this storm.…

Daily Tarot Reading-3/18/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Wow, another Major Arcana card! This Spring Equinox and Aries season is opening a floodgate of opportunities and blessings for us all. Make time this…

Daily Tarot Reading-3/17/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Yesterday's card announced a new beginning, and here we are! Two back-to-back Major Arcana cards (yesterday Death, today The Magician) indicates a time of major,…

Daily Tarot Reading-3/16/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! I have been a year 'at home' as I'm sure many of you have as well. There's no denying that 2020 and beyond has been…

Daily Tarot Reading-3/15/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! As we move closer to the spring you may feel a surge of energy and excitement, which always feels great, but please monitor how you…

Daily Tarot Reading-3/14/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Tap in today to your most basic, primal self; that most authentic and innocent part of you. Since the beginning of humanity we have all…

Daily Tarot Reading-3/13/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! You are healing and are moving forward towards the answers to your prayers. This is a time of blessed alignment; everything is working in your…

Daily Tarot Reading-3/12/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! We are about to get hit with a wave of emotions this weekend as we approach a New Moon in Pisces, while in Pisces season.…

Daily Tarot Reading-3/11/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Because of the heavy Neptunian energy, we may be experiencing illusions much more intensely. In other words, thoughts and emotions may grab hold of false…

Daily Tarot Reading-3/10/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! It's easy to lose sight of your focus. We have so many distractions around us, all fighting for our attention, and sometimes the loudest or…