Daily Tarot Reading-12/17/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Today's card reminds me of my youth--rushing into interesting circumstances without thinking things through, or standing up for something (or someone) without knowing the full…

Daily Tarot Reading-12/16/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Today Ascended Master Buddha reassures us that we are safe. Despite whatever is happening outside of ourselves, we are safe. It is very easy to…

Daily Tarot Reading-12/15/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! This is the time to be inspired by play and fun! Sagittarius brings us a light-hearted and social energy, which is perfect for the holiday…

Daily Tarot Reading-12/14/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! There is a powerful gateway opening today, as both a New Moon and Solar Eclipse bless us, in the sign of Sagittarius. There will be…

Daily Tarot Reading-12/13/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Let "tomorrow" be tomorrow's problem; be present right now. Be here in this moment. Today the Goddess Skuld wants you to take a step back…

Daily Tarot Reading-12/12/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! I have been mentioning in the past few weeks about the energetic changes we've been experiencing, which are preparing us all to receive the new…

Daily Tarot Reading-12/11/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Important knowledge is heading your way--Divine knowledge--through dreams and other forms of spirit communications. Your spiritual family wants you to pay attention to the signs,…

Daily Tarot Reading-12/10/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! The Cow is revered in many cultures for its ability to nourish and provide. In this case you can think of The Universe as a…

Daily Tarot Reading-12/9/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Don't be alarmed by the message on today's card--what you are doing is making space. If there was no opportunity to release things, people, circumstances,…

Daily Tarot Reading-12/8/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! We've entered into an energetic new beginning. You may feel a shift in your thoughts, emotions, and experiences; something new and fresh is coming your…