Tarot and Energy Forecast-January 2 to January 8, 2023

Tarot and Energy Forecast
Happy New Year!
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Supreme Rising family! We are at the start of a new week (and year!); read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy for this week:

Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: Sanctuary Spaces

Happy New Year all! We’ve entered into a new time year, but the actual “new year” is different for many folks. If you observe the Lunar calendar, then the new year for you begins on January 22nd, at the start of Aquarius season. If you follow the Astrological calendar, then your new year begins on the Spring Equinox (March), at the start of Aries season. Then if you subscribe to Numerology, your personal new year possibly begins with your 2023 birth date, so that just goes to show you that there are multiple “new beginnings” for us all.

January 2023 begins in Capricorn season, with Mercury in retrograde, and a Full Moon in Cancer happening on the 6th.

January 1, 2023 marks the Numerological ‘7’ year, indicating many blessed transformations taking place this year, as indicated in my 2023 guide (have you downloaded your free copy?). There’s so much happening and yet not much may change externally, at least not at first.

Capricorn energy is calling us to set goals and strive ahead, making ambitious plans for this new year, but hold your horses! Mercury is pumping the brakes and asking us to first finish what we started back in 2022. Whatever lessons have yet to be learned, will come up again in the coming weeks, to give us a chance to gain much-needed wisdom.

While we won’t be getting much accomplished in our outer worlds, this gives us a chance to check any fine details we may have overlooked, in particular with our home lives. The Cancer Full Moon happening on the 6th will be wanting us to clean house, so to speak. For some this is literally to de-clutter and make your homes more of a sacred space. For others, this is an assessment of your relationships and who you spend the most time with. Don’t worry so much about making a big checklist to complete; this week is more about review and reflection on what to focus on next. It’s time for both your outer and inner worlds to be treated with greater respect and reverence, and understanding how to do that.

Beginning of the Week:

Many of us will still be dealing with residual energies that we have yet to release; things that are keeping us stubbornly stuck in the past. I can see for some of you this is about seeking retribution of some sort; wanting revenge for something that happened to you. If this message applies to you, Spirit is telling me that you need immediate self-closure; you need to just drop it because you will not get what you want (at least not in the form you are seeking). If you stay fixated on forcing a specific outcome, you’ll be missing out on so many blessings heading your way. Yes justice will be served in some way, though you may never “see” it play out in this lifetime; find a way to be OK with that.

Shift your focus towards the future and on more of what you want to receive in your life. The focus of the ‘1’ month of January is on self. It’s time to break the chains on the things that are keeping an unhealthy hold on you and preventing you from moving forward. Make a commitment today to stop self-sabotaging your progress. The way forward starts with love, and in this case, self-love.

I highly recommend a Heart Chakra meditation (you can find lots of them for free on YouTube), to help open your heart to forgiveness. Forgiveness is a way to release yourself from the shackles of hate; this is not about the other person (or people), but about you. I also always recommend therapy or counseling of some sort, to help work through those intense feelings. And lastly, consider connecting more with spiritual guidance on forgiveness; this could be watching something inspirational, or speaking to a healer/clergy, etc…

Middle of the Week:

There may be someone new entering your life this week; a possible romantic connection. Or if you don’t meet them this week, it will happen this month. It’s important to remain open to love, and as mentioned in the beginning of the week, it begins with self-love and forgiveness.

The past can at times leave us feeling jaded and cheated. Possibly some of you reading this have lingering feelings of bitterness about a past relationship that did not pan out. You may also be dealing with bouts of depression affecting your mood. Point is, you’re not seeing (or feeling) things clearly. The lunar energy is potent, as we get closer to this week’s Full Moon; stay grounded to not get swept away from any heaviness that comes up for you.

If you are chosen to meet someone new this week, focus on the present and the future with them. Try not to determine the outcome of this new thing based on past scenarios. This is a brand new person and brand new energy; make space for something more sweet, and fulfilling. For some of you, this new love match is a Divine one. Have faith that this is exactly what you’ve been praying for.

And for those of you feeling single and lonely, just hang on a bit more–they are coming!

End of the Week:

Wanting to initiate change is wonderful, but try not to get caught up in the “new year, new me” frenzy. You don’t need to do what other folks do; your journey is your own. There’s no need to rush.

Many of you are ready for a new foundation; relocating, moving, switching jobs or careers–you can have what you want, but take things step-by-step. Soon things will become clearer for you on what next steps to take, but for now just settle into what your vision is for this year. In this month of setting new foundations, what do you envision creating or receiving this year? Take some time to reflect on that and even play around with tools such as vision boards, Pinterest boards, or whatever other aids get you in alignment with your desires for 2023.

Also, Spirit is showing me that we will be “blocked” from trying to force things to happen this month. We won’t have all of the details or clarity to move forward, so for now enjoy being “stuck” in this in-between phase. This is a moment of empowerment for you as you create the seeds of your dreams for this year. Utilize this time to catch-up on other things you may have put aside, like reconnecting with loved ones you haven’t spoken to in a while, or even taking care of those pesky chores you’ve been putting off. Not every moment has to be dedicated to “what’s next”. Remain present and grateful for what’s here for you now.

The 2023 guide you need in your life!

I channeled that 2023 is going to be a year of blessed transformations; think of the rapid fire changes that took place in the ‘5’ year that was 2021, merged with the spiritual wisdom that the number ‘7’ has to offer us (2023 is a ‘7’ year in Numerology).

There will be many changes throughout 2023, which at times could leave you feeling confused, ungrounded, or caught in the eye of the storm.

Many of these changes will take place within your relationships; lovers, family, friends, community.

So how do we navigate it all?


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