Tarot and Energy Forecast-July 31 to August 6, 2023

Blog post title on a brightly colored gradient background, for August 2023.
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Rich Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy for this week:

Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: changing course

While we are currently dealing with a few retrogrades I feel that the Venus retro in Leo, during Leo season, is what is directly impacting us the most this week. If you are into astrology, pay attention to where Venus is in your chart and how her backward stroke is affecting you.

The energy of the week is asking us, which direction are we facing? Are we looking forward or back? Are we looking towards the past or the future? And how much time do we dedicate to the present? I get the sense that we are moving on from regrets, but in order to do that we have to be willing to let them go. We might not know how to move on, but Spirit will always guide us if we are willing to listen.

Some people and circumstances from the past will come up to visit again, to continue to help you determine whether or not they are for you. I also get the sense that whatever comes us to revisit you this week will actually serve to help you get unstuck, and on towards the level you’ve been working towards.

There’s a bit of a tension; a push and pull between your child-self and your adult-self. Some of you are being called to not forget about your inner child; do a little bit more of what you used to love to do back then.

Beginning of the Week:

Your work in this life is important, but it’s not the only important thing, and definitely not the most important. Mama Moon will go Full in Aquarius on the 1st, and she is asking us to create a bit more work-life balance. Many of us have been working too hard, and need a lot more play. What have you done lately that has felt like fun?

Many of you are also called to check your jobs/careers; are they fulfilling to you? This Full Moon may stir up feelings from past career paths–maybe you really wanted to become a teacher but opted instead to become a real estate agent because the money was better. But you’ve worked so hard and find no happiness with what you do; no purpose. This is a moment to reassess your career goals and values.

Some of you may want to think back on what you wanted to grow up to be as a kid, for clues on what truly drives your spirit. And consider asking for help to make your workload easier; learn to delegate responsibility to others who can assist.

Middle of the Week:

Speaking of that which no longer fulfills us, let’s talk about relationships. Mama Venus is really doing a number on all of our closest bonds. She really wants us to make sure we know who is really for us, and who is just around for a season. This is important because as you grow and as your life grows, the evolution of your relationships will be vital to your continued success.

It’s time to prune the relationship tree! Those folks who take and take, and rarely give back–those are the first ones to cut off. You don’t need to take drastic measures like blocking them (not unless you want to) but do create distance and boundaries. The sooner you can clear the dead weight, the sooner you make space for new relationships to enter your life.

Some of you are being asked to release a past partnership; for many this is pertaining to a previous long-term relationship, or even marriage. You may be divorced or broken up, but this person is coming back for another chance–do you really see a different future together? I think you know what Spirit’s gonna say–they have not changed and therefore the circumstances between you two will remain the same. It’s time to move on to a relationship that can support you at this next stage of your life.

P.S: some of you are being called to be single for a while–you know who you are. You don’t need another relationship to jump into; what you need is to cultivate greater self-love.

End of the Week:

There’s a fresh wind coming into all of our relationships; a reset of sorts. If there’s someone you had a conflict with and you’ve been thinking about lately, now is the time to make amends. Forgiveness is called for, to wipe the slate clean. This is a time of an energetic reset with your loved ones, so use it wisely.

Many of you will be entering into new relationships soon; this could be romantic or a business/work partnership. This relationship will be fulfilling on an emotional and material level. The only issue here is your insecurity about it. You might not feel “good enough” for however this relationship manifests for you. You might be feeling trapped by your own patterns and behaviors, which may try to sabotage this bond, but you’re being called to break free from those outdated forms of thinking.

Communicate your fears with this person; be willing to be vulnerable and share your insecurities. Take things slow if needed. Be open and honest, as much as you can, and know that they won’t run away; they won’t abandon you. This kind of bond is strong, and faithful. Know that Spirit supports this path for you, so continue to trust them, trust yourself, and keep moving forward! You got this!

The 2023 guide you need in your life!

I channeled that 2023 is going to be a year of blessed transformations; think of the rapid fire changes that took place in the ‘5’ year that was 2021, merged with the spiritual wisdom that the number ‘7’ has to offer us (2023 is a ‘7’ year in Numerology).

There will be many changes throughout 2023, which at times could leave you feeling confused, ungrounded, or caught in the eye of the storm.

Many of these changes will take place within your relationships; lovers, family, friends, community.

So how do we navigate it all?


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