Tarot and Energy Forecast-September 5 to September 11, 2022

Tarot and Energy Forecast

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Supreme Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy for this week:

Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: Get it together!

Happy September! We begin this 9th month of the year by making space for new beginnings. This week we welcome a Full Moon in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, bringing with it much needed conclusions. We are ending a cycle and continuing to graduate from important lessons.

Retrograde season is also beginning, most notably with Mercury whose shadow we are already in. This is a time to be extra careful; triple check your work, backup your files, get going on the things you’ve been procrastinating on. I have the sense that whatever sacred work you have not gotten around to, or concluded, will become more apparent for you starting this week. Maybe you’ve been putting off going to the doctor, or reading that urgent letter, or reviewing an important policy…whatever it is that you’ve been putting off may come up to bite you in the a$$.

Spirit advises you to take some time for the 3 retrograde “R’s”: reflect, review, revise. Reflect on this past year; what have been the major themes playing out? What have you been ignoring? Review the details in the here and now; what still needs to be started, or concluded? What needs to be addressed and taken care of? And lastly, revise your plans. You may have gotten sidetracked but it’s never too late to get back into alignment. Make time and space for yourself to strategize and organize; Virgo’s energy is backing you up–you got this!

You know what needs to be done; start at a slow pace if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Take the first step and the momentum will build. Seek advice from a mentor (or life coach) if you’re feeling totally lost.

Beginning of the Week:

You may have lost a sense of “zest” for life; truth is, you’re tired. Exhausted actually. Burnt out. In the spirit of retrograde season, it’s time to go back. Let’s moonwalk together back to our childhoods (or whatever point in time felt the most connected to your inner child). Take some time over the next couple of days to play. What kinds of games did you love to play as a child? Really think back and feel the emotions stirring up within you. There are clues from your childhood that can greatly help you in your adulthood, especially when it comes to your relationship with money.

Many of you will greatly benefit from thinking back on what you wanted to be upon growing up. Did you love learning about space and wanted to become an astronaut? Did you play pretend as a teacher? Taking a glimpse into your childhood ideas, fantasies, and notions can greatly help you find your path in the here and now. Maybe consider becoming more aligned with those dreams again.

I know many don’t like looking into their childhoods; I’m only asking you to consider, what was fun about being a kid? And tap into any bit of fun, to bring it to the present. You need this and your soul will thank you for it later.

Middle of the Week:

Have you tapped into your inner child yet? Because she/he/they are offering you wonderful insight into what would be the most fulfilling for you now, especially in regards to your work.

Many of you have been considering moving on from your jobs or careers, but to what? You don’t want more of the same and have been yearning for something new. Don’t quit just yet, at least not until you gain clarity into what your next move will be. Make time for your little self and talk to them; what advice do they have for you now? And if you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self? Would you tell them to try something different or stay on the path you’ve chosen?

Spirit wants you to know that it’s not too late. You may already have an idea of your next path but are afraid to take the step for fear of being too old, or whatever other insecurity is holding you back. It’s definitely not too late and the alternative of staying put won’t bring you the satisfaction you need, so doesn’t hurt to try something new.

End of the Week:

Rest this weekend; you deserve it. Not because you’ve worked hard for it but because rest is your natural birthright. You can still reflect, review, and revise, but there’s no need to take action. In fact, this is a moment to give your mind a break so that it can think more clearly in the future. With a clear mind and focus, anything is possible.

Relaxing your mind is also what will help you get out of your own way. We all tend to self-sabotage more than we think, so by stepping out of the way we allow Spirit to come through for us in the best ways. Let them lighten your load. Meditation is a powerful way to relax the mind, in particular “mindfulness meditation”. Look up some on Youtube and dedicate at least 10 minutes a day. As well, get some much needed sleep and even naps throughout the day if you can. This is what will help you recharge for the days ahead.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments. And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive the weekly tarot and energy forecast, monthly pick-a-card readings, and free psychic readings to your inbox.


  1. Crystal

    Uufff. I was just talking about how tired I’ve been feeling as well as overwhelmed with so much that I have putting off. Thanks for this. This was a timely and gentle nudge.

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