Unlock the Week’s Energy: Psychic Reading for February 24 to March 2, 2025

The words "Psychic Reading for March 2025" against a light blue background. An illustration of a multicolored snake on the bottom left, representing the Lunar New Year of the snake.

This week will provide us with the opportunity to experience something new so if you’ve been dealing with challenges now may be a good time to shift your circumstances. There are some things you’ve learned recently that you are now putting into practice, or are being encouraged to incorporate as part of your routine. For some of you these new practices happen to be health-related. Now may be a good time to consider how to get “summer body” ready and take your health and fitness routine to the next level.

For some others there will be clarity coming to a long-standing health concern. This will be a great week to make any follow-up medical appointments or consider taking some kind of wellness class (such as yoga or group meditation).

Make your goals a priority this week.

Money blocks are being lifted for those of you who’ve been struggling financially. Money and opportunities are coming in to stabilize your finances. This will be a good time to consider any long-term investments–some of you may be considering putting money away for a big trip this year.

Over the next few days you might want to consider giving your social butterfly persona a break–this is a time to reassess your goals and adapt to the shifts happening around you. I get the sense that for some of you, your schedule may be shifting. You might be picking up more hours at work, or starting a new job–you won’t be as available you used to be, at least for a bit while you adjust.

Some of you are being encouraged to cut the cords on some toxic attachments–possibly there will be people leaving your life soon, who no longer belong on your path. This is for the best–you are making space for stronger connections.

Mama Moon will be New in Pisces, giving us a much needed breath of fresh air from this month’s fiery Full Moon. Now that Mars has stationed direct, we may have more of the courage and fortitude we need to face life’s challenges. You may feel a new surge of energy and motivation to accomplish your goals, especially if they are work-related. Spirit says to keep your eyes on the prize–some wonderful blessings are coming your way!

Some of you will be moving on from a tough situation this week–try an energetic cleanse to clear your aura of any stagnation and blockages–do this before Thursday’s New Moon. You may also be presented with an opportunity for a literal move to a new home or workplace.

You may experience a streak of good luck with week–I would play some games of chance if you feel called to do so. The number ‘888’ may be significant for some of you.

This week has been about forward movement and advancement. Give yourself grace as you navigate through these new paths and adjust to the pace. Be honest about your needs and areas where you may need help. This applies especially if you are starting a new job and are just learning the ropes–there’s always a bit of a learning curve but you’ll find your rhythm soon.

Some of you may be presented with an enticing offer but need a bit more guidance or information in order to make a decision. Consider booking an email reading to get the clarity you need.

Guidance for January, February, and March 2025


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