Unlock the Week’s Energy: Psychic Reading for November 25 to December 1, 2024

Illustration of mistletoe and holly in green and red colors, on a white background and the words "Psychic Reading for December" in the foreground.

This week we close November but we’ve entered into Sagittarius season, Mercury retrograde, and Pluto in Aquarius. The energy is giving Fire and Air, preparing us for a fiery 2025. Fire can be destructive but sometimes that’s just what we need–obstacles being destroyed on our paths so we can move forward. Fire also unlocks potential, and this is the main message for the week. This year has shaped you to be who you are right now. You may have experienced an unlocking of new skills and wisdom, which you will need to carry into the new year.

Air has the ability to help or hinder Fire. While Fire can represent our actions, intentions, and creativity, Air provides the strategy, and sometimes even the discipline. This week remember that while it’s wonderful to think before you act, sometimes you need to just go for it–take that leap of faith. Don’t get caught up in overthinking, and lose out on a wonderful opportunity.

Also because Mercury is doing its backwards dance, you might feel ‘inspired’ to destroy some things yourself, like quitting your job on a whim, or ending a project you’ve been working on just because it hasn’t panned out the way you thought it would. Don’t let your fiery vibes wipe out a good thing. In this case, take a little more time to think on things before acting impulsively.

Find your balance between the Fire and Air of the times.

You might feel more energy and enthusiasm at the start of the week, giving you the boost to charge ahead with your intentions. If your intentions are for progress without ruthlessness, then you will succeed. If you are willing to get what you want no matter the cost, you may find yourself getting burned.

Some of you may be eager to tell someone off, or go on a rant on social media. Words will be extra sharp right now so please remember there are consequences to every action. I get it, sometimes you gotta let a mofo know they crossed the line, but if that mofo is your boss, you may find yourself out of a job sooner than you think. Be a bit discerning with who you speak to and how you speak to them.

Some others are being called to speak up a bit more, especially if your boundaries are being crossed. Don’t be afraid to assert yourself so you can get more of what you want. If you’ve been thinking of speaking with your boss about a raise or promotion, now is the time to set that meeting.

There’s a shift happening in the wheel of life, and I can see many of us heading off towards greater fulfillment, and joy. Life is asking you, what do you want? You have the opportunity to get clear on what joy and fulfillment look like for you, and place an order with the Universe. You don’t have to figure out how it’s all gonna work out, but there might be something you can do right now to align you on that path.

Some of you may be saying goodbye to a job or location–preparing for a move. The winds are shifting in your favor–fly free with them. If you’ve been thinking of a relocation, change in employment, or taking a trip, now is a wonderful time to get going on that.

Be grateful for all of the blessings in your life, no matter how “small”. Things are really working in your favor, even if it takes you a bit to recognize that.


If you’ve been working diligently towards your goals, you will reap the fruits of your labors soon enough. The Universe has a gift in-store for you. Spirit assures that those blocks you’ve been wanting removed from your path are being destroyed as we speak. Keep going and don’t give up on your dreams! You have the strength and power to overcome any challenge.

Soon enough your “enemies” will see you thriving and will know their evil plots didn’t work. Your throne is getting ready to receive you. Keep up with your spiritual protection work as you’ve been doing, to clear away any energetic debris that may still be lingering.

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