Welcome to the start of a new week! Dust off the intensity from last week’s Full Moon and take a good look at the aftermath from the storm. Emotions are still a bit scattered and possibly some of you are picking up the pieces after a battle of some sort (maybe with a loved one). Things will be rough for a bit but remember this too shall pass.
Just like the recent hurricanes in the U.S. left destruction in their wake, and people are trying to rebuild their lives, you may also be picking up the pieces which have been scattered by the current conflicts. You may be feeling like you’ve lost or things didn’t turn out the way you wanted them to. I know it’s hard but trust that you will come to understand why things happened the way they did. There’s a blessing here, even if it’s hard to see right now.
Spirit shows me that feelings of depression, sadness, and even loss may be high this week so the best course of action is to focus on your health and well-being. Tune in to your body and stay grounded as the remnants of this storm clear out.
Beginning of the week:
We’re still feeling the effects from last week’s Full Moon in Aries. The start of this week may be a good time to do a cleansing bath, in order to release heavy energies that may be in your auric field.
Spirit wants you to know that all is not lost, especially if you’re feeling defeated. You are much stronger and more capable than you think, and you’ll soon come to realize this. You have the capacity to overcome this temporary shift in circumstances.
Some of you have had a really hard time letting go of something (or someone). Whatever is no longer currently in your life is making space for something new coming in. So don’t take this as a loss–this is redirection.
I want you to take a diplomatic approach to any challenges you are facing. A resolution that benefits all parties involved is best.
Middle of the week:
Welcome to Scorpio season! I consider Scorpio to be the most “fiery” of the water signs and as such can bring things to the surface for us to face. It might not be as confrontational as Aries, but it carries with it its own kind of aggression. Scorpio’s ruler Pluto is currently in Capricorn until the end of next month and this will be its last dance in this sign for at least two-hundred years. Pluto is making epic moves as it shifts from the patriarchal Capricorn into the gender-fluid Aquarius.
Pluto will have some big reveals for us in the coming weeks especially related to the bodies that govern our society. I wouldn’t be surprised if some more revelations come to light about our politicians and the outdated ways they govern our systems. Pluto will challenge those in leadership to shift their focus back to the people, not their own self-interests. These shakeups also include religions and religious leaders. Pluto in Aquarius is about revolution and shifting the power back to the community.
I can also foresee us connecting more with spirituality and seeing things in a different way. Maybe even considering more esoteric topics of study. Regardless of how these shifts present themselves, the best course of action is surrendering to the changes.
End of the week:
Spirit would like to share a message about your resources. You may have a way of seeing the things in your life in a very narrow way, and you’re being called to open your mind to different possibilities. This could be due to some pessimism on your part about your material circumstances–maybe feeling like you don’t have enough.
While Spirit is pouring into our cups, things may not appear as grand as you may want them to be. For example, maybe you’ve been working hard for a raise and eventually get approved for it but it’s not as much as you would like. While this can feel disappointing, you’re being encouraged to be grateful for how your prayers get answered. Learn to appreciate the blessings in your life, and stop seeing them as small or “pitiful”. Gratitude is the key that will open the door to greater blessings. With a lack state of mind, nothing will be enough no matter how “grand” it appears.
Spirit is saying all of this because you may soon be presented with a tempting offer–a “shortcut” solution to a challenge. But not all that glitters is gold. Whatever this shortcut is will only throw you off track. Better to be patient, take things slow and steady, and soon enough a better option will present itself. Listen to your intuition for guidance. Now’s not the time to make hasty decisions.