This week is gearing up to be very active–lots of energetic shifts happening. Spirit poses the following questions–how much are you willing to let us help you? Are you willing to allow yourself to receive the help you need? Surrender is called for in many aspects of life this week, in order to pass through any storms we may meet.
We’ve entered into Scorpio season which is already packing a punch–all kinds of tea being spilled already! Shadows coming out from the depths in order to get some light for healing. All Hallows Eve (Halloween) is this Thursday which also marks the end of October, and the “witch’s new year”. Did you know that scary masks and costumes were worn on this day to scare away evil spirits? The veil between worlds will be thin this week, so spiritual communication may be potent; you will definitely want to amplify your spiritual protection work. Then at the start of November we welcome other spiritual practices, venerating our Saints and Ancestors starting with the Day of the Dead, All Saints Day, and then All Souls Day. Be sure to light candles for your passed over loved ones, so they find their way home.
Beginning of the week:
Remind yourself to step into your power this week. Don’t allow other people’s energy or drama to drain you. You are doing the work, and it shows. Some folks around you haven’t been committing to their healing, and they will feel these energetic shifts the most. Skeletons are coming out of their closets, and they won’t want to deal with them–but there’s no escape anymore (and definitely not in Scorpio season). You’ve become more grounded in your authenticity and no longer need to deal with other people’s bullsh*t.
Stay in your bubble and stay focused on your goals. Take some time to declutter your spaces, and also cleanse your energies. And remember that Spirit has your back–there’s no need to push forward or force anything to happen. Spirit’s got things covered for us this week.
Middle of the week:
If the people or circumstances around you are stressing you out, take some time to meditate. Meditation can take on many forms; the important thing here is to find some quiet time for yourself, to think, feel, and process. Get plenty of alone time this week because Spirit will be sending us lots of divine inspiration and downloads. You may find that you receive answers and solutions you’ve been praying for.
Some of you are surrounded by folks who may be jealous of you–I can see this being related to your workplace. These people will reveal themselves to you this week because Pluto won’t stand for any hidden agendas this season. Don’t worry about them–they will stop trying to undermine you in due time. Just make sure to keep up with your spiritual protection practices.
End of the week:
On November 1st we will welcome a New Moon in Scorpio, helping us break free of energies that no longer belong in our lives. You may have started to feel the lunar effects earlier this week, especially if you’ve had any arguments with people in your life. Any challenges in your relationship will pass. Use this time to focus on your inner world and not the validation/approval of others.
Some of you may be receiving some kind of promotion, award, or accolade for your hard work. You may even get a new job this week! This is well-deserved; be sure to celebrate this win!
If you’ve been in your hermit-mode this week, use this weekend to socialize and connect with your loved ones. If you’ve been struggling with your romantic partner, consider this a moment to invite a third-party for guidance, to help you find a bridge of understanding.
For those of you who practice ancestral veneration, light your candles and leave your offerings for your muertos (dead).