Unlock the Week’s Energy: Psychic Reading for October 7 to October 13, 2024

Illustration of autumn leaves in the background and the words "Psychic Reading for October" in the foreground.

The current planetary alignment is muddling our thoughts and emotions. Planet Venus is having a hard time during her transition through Scorpio, and this “discomfort” will be felt by all. Deeply rooted energy is coming up from the darkness and shaking things loose.

Thoughts and emotions we may not have felt in a long while are coming up to be paid attention to; now’s not the time to try to distract yourself from this temporary transit. While yes it may feel uncomfortable, it also won’t last long and yet will unlock potent wisdom for us all. This moment is about getting insights on subconscious blockages that need to be cleared. Once you can see the weed in the garden, you can pull it out.

Spirit advises to stay in your body this week–connect to the Earth and get grounded. Allow the movement of your body to help the internal conflicts pass through. Movement can look like exercise, walking, dancing, etc. Your body can help this transition be smoother for you.

You may not have a clear idea of how to “walk away” from something, but you know it needs to be done. There is a chapter in your life you’ve been wanting to close and move on from for a long time now but haven’t felt quite “ready” for the conclusion. Or maybe you just don’t know what step to take with this situation. Spirit says what you want is a guarantee, and that is something you will never have. Spirit can’t give you the full map and story–trust is required.

Once you are able to take that first step in the direction you want to head in, the next step will be revealed, and so on. A step of faith is required, and Spirit is not requiring much from you other than to choose a path. I also sense that this new path may come with a learning curve that you feel insecure about. Think back to a moment when you started at a new school, and didn’t have any friends; didn’t have any experience in this new place. It wasn’t easy but over time you became more confident on this journey, which you eventually graduated from. This is exactly how this moment will be. Everything will work out! Have more faith in yourself.

Don’t lose hope if things aren’t going as planned. I have a few messages for you; take what resonates:

Some of you may be too eager to share your goals and plans with the people around you. If this is you, it’s time to stop sharing your dreams before they materialize. Evil Eye and envy are blocking things from working out for you. Believe it or not there are some folks around you who do not want you to succeed. Remain quiet and share things after they take form for you. Some wonderful things are coming your way; best not to brag about them for now.

Some of you are already quietly manifesting, though things may be taking longer than expected. If this is you, know that your ships will be coming in. Stay focused on your goals but be patient and don’t take any shortcuts! You may be tempted with a quick solution but not all that glitters is gold. Follow your gut when making a decision–better not to rush into any situations you feel uncertain about.

How generous are you with your communities? Consider how much you give back to the world–maybe through monetary donations, charitable acts of service, loving kindness, etc…do you feel you’re doing or giving enough? Spirit advises that the more you can give openly and with loving intentions, the more open you will be to the energy of abundance.

You may be struggling financially, or with material concerns because of this sense that you don’t have enough. Some of you may even have more than you need, but have been stuck in the energy of greed. You may be consumed by a fear of losing what you have–this is the energy of lack and will only block prosperity from your life.

Point is, give back and give often. And no it does not have to be with money, but if you can give money, do so. Open yourself up to different possibilities outside of money and material goods. Consider all you have to be blessed with, including your health and the love in your life. Money is wonderful to have and yet it’s not everything there is. Learn this lesson so that you can have a steady flow of abundance constantly flowing to you and from you.

A positive monetary change is afoot!


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