Unlock the Week’s Energy: Psychic Reading for September 16-22, 2024

Illustration of autumn leaves in the background and the words "Psychic Reading for September" in the foreground.

Here is your Psychic Reading for the week of 9/16 – 9/22 2024.

This week we start with a powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and end Virgo season. We’ll be welcoming Libra season and Autumn, so it will definitely be a week with lots of activity! Connect with the Water element this week to bring you more fulfillment and inspiration. Consider taking a spiritual bath before or during the Full Moon on the 17th, to help remove energies that no longer belong in your life. As well, make sure to stay hydrated.

For my more witchy readers, you may want to consider collecting full moon water, but be warned–this would be eclipse water which could be a wildcard to handle. However, I can see this water will help you overcome obstacles and remove negative energies surrounding you, if you use it right.

Beginning of the week:

Minor blockages and setbacks are being removed, helping you move forward with greater confidence. A positive change is afoot! As previously mentioned, consider taking a spiritual bath to cleanse yourself of outdated energies. Try a 3rd Eye Chakra clearing meditation to help you gain the insights and mental solutions you need.

For some of you, a wonderful path is opening up. You may soon be receiving the answer to your prayers! Embrace the changes heading your way–don’t be afraid of them.

Middle of the week:

Take a moment to get clear on what you want more of in your life. Spirit wants you to go beyond what you do for money, and consider more of your passions. Is there a creative pursuit you’ve been wanting to try? Possibly in the future you’d be able to monetize this hobby but for now, have fun with this. Take some time out to play more or insert more fun into your work routines. Try something new!

This is a time to break up the day-to-day rut and follow your inner child for guidance this week. They have wonderful information to share with you, which could help with your career in the long run. This is especially helpful if you are really hating your job and would like to explore new avenues for income.

End of the week:

Finally some long-standing money blockages have come to an end! You’ve overcome a big challenge and can now rejoice at knowing that forward movement is on the way. I sense for many of you this message is related to money you’ve been waiting on–it’s finally coming in!

With this boost in your income you can begin to stabilize your finances and even plan for the future. Some of you may want to use this windfall to help you move out of a stagnant situation, such as a soul-sucking job or a toxic home environment.

I hope we all have a blessed and prosperous week!


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