Happy September everyone! Here is your Psychic Reading for the week of 9/2 – 9/8 2024.
We’re finally out of Mercury’s retrograde, for now. We’re still dealing with a bit of the shadow so continue to remain vigilant with all forms of communication and travel for the next couple of weeks. There may still be residual confusion and indecisiveness; use logic to help you overcome the fog.
Take your time with your work and with any decisions. Consider all options and choose the most strategic path. Let truth and facts be your guide. Work with what you’ve got in front of you, not what you think may come. Allow this week’s New Moon in Virgo to show you the areas in your life that may need a bit of organization and structure. Look to the fine details and leave the bigger picture for another time.
Beginning of the week:
Something about your past is influencing your work and career decisions this week. Possibly there’s a part of you that is looking back to hobbies and interests from a time when you were happier, and considering making changes to align with that time period. Don’t make long-term decisions based on a phase. Listen to the guidance this moment has for you; possibly you may need to insert a bit more play and leisure into your work routine. As well, you may need to flex your creative muscles more to prevent work boredom or fatigue. If your work isn’t fulfilling right now, find ways to make it a little more pleasurable.
For some of you, an opportunity you thought was lost will come back around for a second chance. This could be a job or educational opportunity that possibly didn’t work out before, but now may be the time to take this step.
Some of you are also being called to step into your life purpose. Not sure what that is? Do some soul searching, or book a psychic reading with a trusted Spiritualist.
Middle of the week:
This may be a time when you are being called to step into a leadership role. Possibly some of you will be receiving promotions soon. You may feel uncertain or insecure about this opportunity but Spirit assures you are the one for the job. Just make sure to read your contract thoroughly before signing anything. You are in the position to negotiate.
Speaking of negotiating, it’s time for some of you to ask for that raise or promotion. You may need to speak up about your needs; you are a valuable asset to the team and your higher ups don’t want you to leave. Create a strategy to ask for what you want.
Some of you may benefit from seeking a mentor to enhance your professional life. Potentially even a life coach may benefit you greatly. You may even be considering taking a class or certificate program to boost your skills–now is the time.
End of the week:
Spirit warns of thievery this weekend. You may want to consider how your personal assets are protected, especially your homes. Some of you may benefit from speaking to a professional about installing a home security system. I definitely see robberies being attempted in some homes, especially if you are away, and this will happen at night. Pay attention to your gut feelings and any signs you receive about your home.
Because we are still dealing with a bit of shadow from Mercury’s retrograde, you may also want to protect your digital assets. Consider updating your passwords and making them stronger. Sign out of all inactive accounts. Check your bank and credit card statements for any suspicious purchases. Also make sure you are not being overcharged for any services. Remember that this week’s New Moon in Virgo is asking us to get down to the details, so go through your finances with a fine toothed comb.