Unlock the Week’s Energy: Psychic Reading for September 23-29, 2024

Illustration of autumn leaves in the background and the words "Psychic Reading for September" in the foreground.

Here is your Psychic Reading for the week of 9/23 – 9/29 2024:

Happy Libra season all, and welcome to Autumn here in the northern hemisphere! I don’t know about you but this time of year feels bittersweet for me. While I look forward to the changing colors of the trees, and the cooler temperature, I admit I will miss the long days and late sunsets. I already miss the sun and it’s not even winter yet! But ultimately I’ll adjust, as we all must.

There’s a sense of financial stability in the air. An offer is coming in for us all this week. This could take the form of a new job, a delayed settlement or inheritance coming in, or some other form of material support. However this offer takes place, make smart choices with this blessing. Don’t go spending it all in one place, and don’t forget to pay off your debts and pay it forward this week. Especially be sure to pay off any personal debts, from loved ones–those should be paid first to maintain the harmony in your relationships.

Lastly, if you’re not sure what to do with this monetary boon coming in for you, talk to a trusted friend or even a seasoned professional on how you can make the most of this material gift.

Beginning of the week:

Whatever this material blessing is, seems like it will make its way to you early this week. A victory is here for you, and I sense that for many of you this is news of a new job or business venture coming in. You may get communication for a job interview. Financial breakthroughs are possible this week!

You may also feel a surge of energy early on, so use this to press on with whatever challenge you are currently facing. You have the opportunity to overcome, and come out on top.

Middle of the week:

We just recently experienced a Full Moon last week, which also happened to be a lunar eclipse. Eclipses have a way of shaking things up, and things may have recently been turbulent in your life. Spirit advises you to allow your emotions to pass. Any heaviness you may be experiencing is just a reminder that healing is taking place. Don’t be afraid to let the tears flow. Don’t be afraid to release the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying for so long.

There’s no need to rush into anything right now. Take your time with any decisions, and try your best not to overwhelm yourself with tasks & to-do’s. Focus on what is a priority and leave the rest for another moment. Use this time to recuperate since we will have one more eclipse (shake-up) coming up next week.

Also for some of you, Spirit is letting me know to remind you that you don’t have to do so much anymore. You don’t have to work so hard, especially if you’ve been the one putting all the effort into a relationship. Learn to relax a little and ask for the help you need.

End of the week:

There’s some internal balancing process taking place and as a result, you may be feeling a little off. Maybe you don’t quite feel like yourself. Well, this is due to the eclipse portal we all just passed through. We’re in a temporary in-between space as we await the next eclipse, which will close this cycle. Spirit assures there’s no need to worry. This is part of a process of harmony for you–within and without.

Use this time to notice what comes up for you and take notes on your observations. Intuitive insights will be potent so gather whatever comes up as it will be useful at another time in your life (possibly the next Virgo/Pisces eclipse cycle).

Some of you may be holding on to patterns from your past and it’s not connecting with who you are presently. It’s time to make peace with yourself and accept that you’ve changed. This is growth.


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