Weekly Tarot and Energy Forecast-February 21 to February 27, 2022

Grand Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

I had mentioned in last week’s reading how tapping into our inner child can greatly help us manifest what we want; that theme continues this week. Your inner child (the subconscious mind) is unlocking some mysteries for you–things that have been playing out in adulthood could finally make sense, if you allow yourself to receive the insight you need.

Your inner child is key to understanding your way of successful manifestation. There are so many techniques to try, in order to tap into receiving more of our dreams and desires into our realities, but not all work for everyone. You’ll find your own formula for success by listening to what your little self has to teach you this week.

Make more time to listen to your inner self; let this be a relaxing process. You may actually find yourself kind of “blocked” from doing the ‘adult’ things you need to get done, like work stuff for example, because there’s a lack of motivation to do that. The reason being, your inner child wants to play. She/He/They want to be heard and they want to connect. Imagine a small child living with you and you are just totally ignoring them; you wouldn’t actually do this to another child, so why do it to yourself? Relaxation and play will sweep away the “boredom” and low-energy you may experience this week.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Beginning of the Week:

Many of you will be receiving a gift from a loved one this week; I see many of you receiving jewelry from a romantic partner, possibly even an engagement ring. This may even be a belated Valentine’s Day present.

I can also see many of you receiving the gift of meeting someone new; a potential mate. Regardless of what form this gift takes, Spirit wants you to know that the outcome will be favorable for you. This gift is a blessing that will help you feel more fulfilled.

As well, you cannot give more than you have or else you run the risk of depleting your reserves. If you’ve been feeling low-energy or out-of-sorts lately, consider taking a break from giving in to the demands of others. Take time to have your own cup filled, and preferably with spiritual nourishment. If you consider yourself to be an empath or highly sensitive person, consider taking a timeout in nature, to recharge.

Middle of the Week:

You will be receiving new ideas and creative solutions to any financial concerns. Spirit wants you to know that you are currently sitting on your creative energy, or holding on too tightly; it needs to be released. If you’ve been feeling blocked creatively, or uninspired, consider a Sacral Chakra meditation or engaging in artistic activities, to get your juices flowing. Doing this will greatly help to boost your energy and vitality, as well as help you receive the Divine solutions you are in need of.

Financially speaking, Spirit wants you to consider tithing more. Abundance will flow once you can also give back, and pay it forward. You can give in many ways, but Spirit is asking you to be more charitable with money. Consider donating to worthy causes; some of my favorite charities are St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, or The Ocean Cleanup Project. If you have no idea who to donate money to, think about who has been there for you in your own life, that you can give back to in some way. For example, maybe a local food kitchen fed you when times were rough. Give what you can, but give with love knowing it will come back to you in some way.

Pay attention to any fears that come up for you this week around spending or donating money because these are deeply rooted beliefs from your childhood. You can easily unblock these outdated beliefs by listening to what your little self has to say. Awareness in empowerment.

End of the Week:

The time for planning and plotting your future will soon come to an end, as you take more action towards these dreams and desires. Use the rest of this week to tap into those childhood dreams; where do you stand on them today? Maybe you no longer want to be an astronaut but you still love to explore the new and undiscovered; how can you reshape this particular dream of exploring new worlds?

There are plenty of treasures in your childhood dreams and fantasies, but remember to take a more balanced approach; don’t get caught up in all fantasy without any action. Observe and listen to what those dreams have to tell you and how can you forge ahead to fulfill them, because they must be manifested in some way in order for your little self to also feel fulfillment.

As well, these hidden treasures in your subconscious can give you the solutions you’ve been seeking. For example, many of you are feeling completely drained and unfulfilled by your jobs and careers; if you can tap into what you wanted to be/do/aspire to as a child, you may gain some clues into what career path would suit you best. Doing this will help you find the clarity you need, to move forward.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

Deck: The Manifestor Oracle 


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