Weekly Tarot and Energy Forecast-January 24 to January 30, 2022

Grand Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

Important changes are taking place in your family and home lives. For many I see upgrades in relationship statuses (like engagements and marriages), and for others new additions to the family (children, pets, guests). This is a week of stability with your most important relationships.

I also see moves for some others–moving into new homes. Sometimes changes, even though blessed, can feel overwhelming or challenging. Spirit wants you to know that you are safe and all is well. Your home is safe and your loved ones are safe. Enjoy the fruits of your labor because you deserve this new beginning for you and your loved ones.

Potentially some of you may even get word of an inheritance coming your way.

If you’ve been considering long-term investments, such as purchasing a home, this is the time to begin planning the action steps needed to make it happen–don’t focus on the “how” things will come about, but rather the what of the matter. What kind of home do you want? What kind of location do you see yourself living in? Leave the how’s up to Spirit.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Beginning of the Week:

This is a time for high vibrational opportunities and circumstances–obstacles continue to be obliterated from your path. You may find yourself with more energy and inspiration than usual–you may feel ready to conquer the world. But take things step by step, especially while we are under the influence of a few planets in retrograde. Use that extra energy to complete some projects which have been collecting dust.

While the energy is forward moving, and you may want to move quickly with certain things, consider the value of taking your time. Allow things to come to you versus chasing them–solutions, people, resources–let yourself receive what you have asked for.

Vibrations will be important this week so keep your vibes high–be aware of the music you’re listening to or shows you are watching, or how much screen time you consume in a day–does the content you consume add or take away from your experience? In other words, if it’s not inspiring, educating, or uplifting you in some way, give it a break, at least for this week.

Consider listening to or focusing on high-vibrational frequencies, or trying methods such as positive affirmation statements, to elevate your vibes.

Middle of the Week:

Things are shaping up in the best ways, for your home and family lives. This is a time to manifest what you want, and you can do so as long as you stay in the vibrational alignment of your desires. So whatever it is you want, act as if. If you want a new home, pretend you’re already living in it.

Keep your vibes high by elevating your frequencies. Just as I mentioned for the beginning of the week, be careful of the kind of content you consume–keep it inspirational, educational, and/or uplifting.

Blessed changes are taking place in the home–believe it! Your intuition will be stronger this week, so follow your gut on any important decisions which need to be made. Some people in your life may no longer be in your inner circle, and that’s OK…sometimes people are around for a season. Allow whoever is no longer in vibrational alignment with you to just go in peace. On the flip side, you may also have the opportunity at a reconciliation with someone you lost touch with. Forgiveness is the ultimate healer–open yourself up to forgiving that person and moving on. Forgiveness isn’t about accepting what the other person did, but rather to liberate yourself from the shackles of the past. This could be a moment of personal empowerment for you.

If you’ve been trying for a while to conceive, don’t despair. Solutions are on the way, even ones you may have not considered previously. You may also get a surprise gift this week.

End of the Week:

To all my single folks–don’t give up on love. You may have been single and longing for romance for a while now, but the kind of love Spirit has for you is worth the wait. This time of being single is about self-love and self-empowerment. Being in a romantic partnership is not a solution to self-loathing; in other words, you’re not going to feel better about yourself just because you are in a relationship. How you feel about yourself is a solo journey, so utilize this time to dive deep and really find your true self.

This is a moment of harmony for us all, whether you are single or in a partnership. Love and treat yourself the way you want to be loved and treated. If you want to attract a King, treat yourself like a Queen. If you were never taught how to love yourself, now is the time to teach yourself–let this be a daily practice.

Show up to life as the best version of yourself. Dress in what makes you feel the best about yourself–don’t wait to lose or gain those pounds before dressing how you want to dress–do it now. Consider elevating your outer appearance to match the inner love and harmony surrounding you now.

Lastly, for some of you there may be a second chance at lost love. Some of you will reconnect with old sweethearts, and possibly ex-lovers. You lost touch with this person but things had ended amicably. You’re both more mature now and are clearer about what you want–you’ll know who I’m referring to by how you feel about them. It’ll be like looking at them through a more loving and authentic filter.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

DeckThe Manifestor Oracle 


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