Weekly Tarot and Energy Forecast-July 25 to July 31, 2022

Weekly Tarot and Energy Forecast-July 25 to July 31, 2022

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Supreme Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

Happy Leo season! We have come through the choppy waters of Cancer and are now tapping into our inner lions. This week we will recognize just how strong and powerful we are. There’s something within us that is unfolding; it’s time to spread our wings and leave the safety of our “nests”. What changes have you been called to make, but have been afraid to move forward on?

I can see that many of you have been afraid to be fully yourselves, but living authentically is what will strengthen you. Stop hiding who you are! Stop trying to conform to “fit in”. Stop trying to defend your position or justify your boundaries. If you are into astrology, look at where Leo falls in your chart to get a sense of how this season will push you out of your comfort zone, and towards greater fulfillment.

Spirit wants you to know that you have what it takes to succeed! Move forward boldly with your plans; this is a time of victory!

Beginning of the Week:

Take full advantage of the solar energy this week to give you a boost in confidence.

Some of you may be feeling disappointed or disillusioned; something didn’t pan out the way you thought. This might have been a job or business deal you were waiting on, which feel through. Or it might just be delayed. Either way, don’t give up hope. Spend some time outdoors; get much needed Vitamin-D and you’ll gain the clarity you need to understand how to move on from this. As well, you may find inspiration in unlikely places.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from obstacles is how to redirect. Obstacles have helped me really dig deep into my creativity; coming up with creative solutions to problems–things I probably would not have thought of had I not encountered an obstacle. Anytime an obstacle enters your path, thank it for its blessing; it has something wonderful to teach you.

Rather than plow forward with whatever did not work out as expected, just let it be for a bit. Some kinks need to be ironed out, and while that happens take a breath. Life is not all about work and toil; give yourself a grace period to relax. Know that things will work out in a Divine way.

Some of you have lost or missed out on an opportunity; something better is on the way!

Middle of the Week:

We will be receiving a transformative New Moon in Leo between the 27th and 28th. There will be major, blessed changes occurring. There’s an energy of forward movement; progress towards the manifestation of our goals.

Some of you will be receiving promotions or new positions of power. Whatever previous jobs or opportunities didn’t pan out, this is the reason why. You were meant for this.

Some of you may receive wonderful news or resources for your businesses, such as funding, to take it to the next level. Make a plan for how you will use these resources; potentially invest in someone who can keep your business flourishing, such as a Business Manager.

Some of you may benefit from seeking legal counsel for a dispute–this will ensure a victorious outcome.

Lastly, my Spiritual Team is also hinting at the possibility of changes in power structures, which could mean some kind of shift in our government. There’s a sense of the Divine Feminine rising, so more women may be called to take on prominent roles of leadership in our global governments.

End of the Week:

I’m excited for the release of Beyonce’s Renaissance on the 29th, and it’s perfect timing because she called us to action in her latest single “Break my Soul”. It’s no coincidence that she chose July 29th as her release date; there’s something about this weekend calling us to break free from those dead-end opportunities. It’s time for a refresh!

If you’ve been wanting to quit your job, don’t delay any further. Make a plan, update your resume, ask your networks for referrals–do whatever you have to do to “release your job”–it’s no longer serving you. Follow your intuition for guidance before you just up and quit, but don’t let yourself be held back any longer! Your soul is calling you to break free and move on towards whatever its mission is. I can see that some of you will just quit; know that you have the strength to face any uncertainty and doubt that comes up; have faith.

I’m getting the message that you’ll receive some kind of Divine intervention with respect to your job and life purpose; possibly a flash of inspiration. There’s something heading your way that will light your soul on fire! This is the kind of energy you’ve been waiting on, to give you new life! Finally, right?! I’m so excited for us!

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments. And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive these weekly forecasts, monthly pick-a-card readings, and free psychic readings. If you really liked this reading, you can buy me a tea here.

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