Weekly Tarot and Energy Forecast-March 14 to March 20, 2022

Grand Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

This week we will be welcoming a Full Moon in Virgo and two new seasons: the start of the Spring Equinox, when day and night share equal time, and Aries season. For many in the spiritual community, Spring signals the true new year, as we enter into Aries season. The energy of 2021 can now come to a close.

This week will set the stage for a powerful new beginning–in fact, if you’re into ritual and/or spell work, this week will supercharge your magical intentions.

There will be a reordering of things–the energy will be forward moving so great progress is possible, especially on any projects that have had a lot of setbacks. In fact, many of you will be receiving things which were postponed for you, such as blocked opportunities or even income. This week will also signal the end of confusion and illusions as we let Pisces season go; officially marking the end of one chapter and on to another one. Use this reset to your advantage. Propel yourself forward as you gain the clarity you need to move onwards.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Beginning of the Week:

This is a time of rich and ripe opportunities! You may feel more ambitious than usual, wanting to move on with certain creative endeavors. Go for it! You may even feel called to travel or move to a new location–your sights are set on a new way of living and being; follow your inner compass towards success.

Many of you may also be considering entrepreneurial endeavors, or you may have invested in something in the past–these opportunities will be fruitful for you, and you may already be enjoying the fruits of your labor. I can sense many of us having more money than we need, experiencing a great surge of abundance. What will you do with this money? Yes enjoy it, but also make it work for you. Allow some of this money to be put towards even more seeds you can plant, to enjoy those fruits as well, at a future time. In other words, to keep abundance constantly flowing to you.

Spirit wants you to know you are rising in personal power. Tap into your inner Divinity to access the confidence to move forward boldly.

Middle of the Week:

With this newfound abundance and financial gain, consider investing in something long-term. Spirit is showing me an inheritance of some sort, so possibly you may be receiving one or you will purchase something that will create generational wealth for your family; something that can be passed down, such as property or land. Many of you may soon have the opportunity and resources to purchase something of value–do it so you can continue to reap bountiful harvests for years to come. Even if you don’t feel ready to purchase yet, set some money aside.

I can see many of us living peaceful lives; ones with greater fulfillment and comfort. Keep this abundant energy flowing by also investing in yourself–in your health, wellness, and even outer appearance. You want to look and feel your best, and by investing more in yourself you greatly increase your chances of success in all areas of your life.

This is a time of wishes fulfilled; Spirit celebrates with you!

End of the Week:

Many of you will be moving on to more fulfilling work, whether as new roles, jobs, or businesses. Not only will there be a greater sense of inspiration and enthusiasm for your work, but there is also more money involved–better salaries and/or rewards. This is truly a prosperous time for us all!

Spirit is also encouraging you to want more for yourself–there’s no need to stay at a job or circumstance that isn’t giving you what you need. It’s important for your well-being to do more of what you love, and even if you can’t change your jobs right away, at least do something on the side that you love to do. But I can see doors of opportunities being open to us all–the roads are open; which path will you take?

This week is giving me a lot of money vibes–this is the time to become that rich person you’ve always dreamed of. Listen to the guidance Spirit is sending your way, and also allow yourself to flow towards the path they are leading you on.

Lastly, don’t forget to also give back, especially when you experience a windfall–pay it forward to those in need, with charity work and/or tithing. Remember how good it felt to receive help when you needed it most; be that help for someone else.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

Deck: The Manifestor Oracle 


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