Weekly Tarot and Energy Forecast-March 7 to March 13, 2022

Grand Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

Spirit wants you to hang on and be patient just a bit longer. Your manifestations will come to form but there are still some missing elements before they reach you.

There will be important information heading your way, regarding your financial affairs. There may be new opportunities or insights, to help improve your circumstances. Don’t be quick to move forward on something new just yet; take your time analyzing the details, especially if contracts are involved. Make decisions from a strategic place, but also from a place of emotional fulfillment; there’s no need to compromise if the opportunity doesn’t feel right.

Overall this week’s energy will be favorable for magical and miraculous occurrences–just leave the form up to the Universe. For some, things will be moving fast in some areas of your life, where gifts will be presented to you. With others, things may feel like they are not moving at all; don’t fret, you will not be left behind in the blessings department.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Beginning of the Week:

I can see that many of you are not feeling so confident about the future; possibly there were some events which shook your confidence loose, or something is looming which is making you feel anxious. I get how easy it is to fall into fear with the unknown. I can sense that for some this sense of restriction is coming from financial uncertainty about the future. Spirit wants you to know to hang in there; this challenge is temporary. What lessons can you take away from this moment? Shifting your perspective can help you greatly shift your circumstances; there are blessings here for you, if you can read between the lines.

For many, your circumstances will indeed change for the better, especially financially. There may be new job opportunities heading your way; for some there is some unexpected money coming to you. Possibly a return on an investment, or winning some kind of prize. Life is all about cycles; some moments we are soaring and some moments we are descending–learn to cultivate a sense of patience with yourself and these circumstances. Change is ever-present, so nothing will last forever. In those moments when you feel down and out, is when you have the greatest potential, so use whatever lack or uncertainty you may be experiencing, to transform the energy into something you can use. I find that when I’m in a moment of financial struggle is when I become the most creative on how to solve my problems. Learn to harness the power of each of your cycles.

Your luck is truly about to change for the better.

Middle of the Week:

There is a new energy heading our way; moving us away from troubles, if you can heed the messages from your intuition. In the following days your intuition and psychic abilities may become enhanced, so pay attention to all messages received during this time.

For some the next few days will provide you with “dreams come true”–your manifestations come to life. I can see that for many of you this will take the form of possibly moving away or moving on, maybe even traveling, purchasing a home, or inheriting property. There is a sense of concluding a challenge and welcoming in a new beginning; like a fresh start.

If you’ve been feeling called to move, pay attention the signs Spirit is sending your way, as you are being led towards your new, more fulfilling home.

Mama Moon is always listening, so if you are into rituals, consider spending some time in the moonlight and petition Her to grant your greatest desire. If you’ve been wanting to conceive a child, consider working with lunar energy and also pay more attention to the cycles of your womb–they are syncing with the phases of the moon.

End of the Week:

This is a fertile time for creative endeavors, and to continue to manifest your desires. Some of you have been wanting to conceive a child, so this weekend would be a sacred time to go for it. Some of you may also be welcoming children into your lives. As I mentioned for the middle of the week, working with the Moon will greatly help to amplify your intentions. Consider taking a ritual bath or connecting somewhere near water, in the evening. Make a petition to Mama Moon and be open to receive the blessings Spirit has for you.

We are all heading towards greater abundance; get out of your own way and allow yourself the opportunity to receive your desires. We tend to be our own biggest blocks, so this time rather than fixate on manifesting your desires, let them go a bit. Let them breathe. Give them space to grow. Try focusing your mind on other things–in particular, get your body more focused on pleasure. Enjoy the grounding energy of pleasurable experiences in the body. This may be a wonderful weekend for self-care and pampering. Give your plans a rest and also give your body rest. This will help you recharge for the coming week.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

Deck: The Manifestor Oracle 


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