Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast – August 23 to August 29, 2021

Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for August 23 to August 29, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

I will be posting a daily card on TikTok, and Youtube so find me on there and get a reminder of the energy for the day.

The overall energy this week:

This will be a powerful week of Ascension for us all; powerful downloads and energetic upgrades will be taking place to help us reach our full potential, and fulfillment in life. We are starting the week on the heels of a Full Moon in Aquarius which helps us expand our consciousness and focus on the collective; what can we contribute to the whole? How can we help our brothers and sisters, and this place we call home?

All Divine downloads received are helping us all; whatever works you feel inspired to create, are of service to others. You are a channel for the Divine, and as such have a role to play (if you choose to) in order to continue to help and heal our shared experience. This time of transformation will be felt by all, on all levels–we are seeing the shifts now, politically, globally, and personally. What we have created already, is it still of service? Is it still useful? If not, then we will be challenged to consider all the ways in which something is not working, and what we can do to improve it.

Even when things look bleak in the world, it inspires so much change and action–more and more people use their voices and resources to speak up and fight against injustice. In this age of Aquarius we will continue to be innovative with technology, but using it to be more of service; the collective will no longer accept oppression.

If you are feeling called to “fight back” and do something, go for it. Follow your instinct. Also know that the Divine Feminine is at play here–She is rising against the suffering we have created for ourselves. She is showing us out of the illusions of fear and lack and teaching us a new way of living, and being. She is nurturing us all towards new life. There are those who wish to remain in pain and poverty, and that’s their choice, but the energy is shifting whether they want it to or not. No matter if you identify as male or female (or neither), the Divine Feminine lives within us all and is working through us. Answer Her call.

The more sensitive you are to energy the more you may feel the transformational vibrations; the best advice for this week is to ground yourself. Without grounding you may feel unbalanced or ‘trippy’ (high), even confused. Use techniques such as earthing, or walking in nature, physical activities, to keep you grounded in your body. Connecting with Mama Earth can help you feel the foundation beneath you, and therefore help you feel supported. Connecting with the Earth is also another way to connect with Her, and the wisdom She has for you.

Overall this is a powerful week; we are all heading towards more fulfillment and love!

Monday, August 23rd

Today is all about communication. First, pay attention to all messages sent to you, whether in the physical world or by spiritual means (such as in dreams). These messages are important and are guiding you to know what to do next. Important information may be coming your way to clarify a question that has been on your mind; you will know better how to move forward once this message comes in. Something you’ve been waiting on is on the way to you.

Many of you are feeling inspired to take action towards a worthy cause; possibly you want to protest or create something of value. Use your voice to speak up; it is needed. Don’t concern yourself over what others think or how they perceive you; you are a channel for the Divine–use this gift to serve. Many others will be urged to use their voices to create boundaries; if you feel you are being taken advantage of, at your jobs for example, speak up for yourself–ask and you shall receive! You don’t have to just accept what is given to you; you can strive for better–you are worthy!

I also see many of you coming out of your shells. Possibly you’ve felt stuck or “quiet” for too long–maybe being indoors for a while and feeling isolated. You’ve been longing for different forms of expression. Reach out and call someone–consider speaking with more loved ones, or even a therapist–use your voice to express what you’ve held within yourself. Or you may feel like the outsider in your group; maybe you no longer connect with the ways of those closest to you. You don’t need to distance yourself from them; consider finding new ways to communicate or interact with each other–find new love languages. Don’t be afraid to be different; you don’t need to fit in to be loved.

If you are being called to speak publicly about a topic, don’t be afraid to do so; you have the authority.

The action for today is to use the power of your voice; speak up, chant, sing to be aligned with your higher purpose. As well, pay attention to the messages received.

Tuesday, August 24th

You may be soon experiencing (if you haven’t already) more lucid dreams, and possibly astral travel. Definitely pay attention to your dreams; write them down as soon as you wake up. You may be recalling memories or wisdom from past lives and may even be accessing your Akashic record. Regardless of what forms they take, today will be powerful for activations. Some of you may become aware of your true selves; many of you have come to this plane as “Star Seeds”, or Light Beings, here to help humanity–your purpose will become clearer.

Just go with what comes up today. Go with the flow, but stay grounded. You don’t need to know or understand everything that comes up this week. For example, I tend to feel “activations” through the crown of my head, as tingles. You don’t need to address every single thought, emotion, or sensation you feel–these activations are seamless, and more often than not do not interfere with your grounded existence (going to work or school, eating, etc).

You might be wondering why this activation is happening to you; first know that they are happening to us all, even those who don’t believe it. This activation is happening for you to receive the tools you need–gifts, ideas, solutions, powers, etc. You will need these new “superpowers” in order to fulfill your “mission” here on Earth. But you always have a choice my dear–if you are not cool with your chosen mission or these activations, you don’t need to receive them, but just know that going against the current is much more of a struggle than going with it. And this current is for us all, so I recommend riding the wave–you and we are always being led towards even better.

These new gifts, ideas, tools, etc are to help you with your desires and manifestations–everything you want, God (Spirit, Universe, etc) wants too. And now you are getting even more help to receive it. Think of life as a game; this moment is another level-up–the world is in your hands!

The action for today is to observe what comes up for you and write things down, especially any visions of possible futures or outcomes. As well, continue with grounding activities and know that the tides are turning in your favor!

Wednesday, August 25th

Your voice, ideas, and creations are needed in this world. You may be inspired to create or share something of service; go for it! Today is one for rapid manifestation and also inspiration–follow where you are being led to. Many of you will receive new opportunities which are part of this “level-up”–they may be dream opportunities, which you didn’t think were possible before. In fact, you may feel more confidence than ever before–if you’ve been hesitant about applying for a specific job or promotion for example, because you feel unqualified for it, you may now feel you have what it takes. Take charge and go for the gold!

We are always being led towards our best by Spirit. In today’s case you may be also receiving messages from other high vibrational beings; you have a whole team routing for you–supporting you and providing for you. Connect with this team for help–just ask them! You may “meet” more of your Spirit team in dreams, the astral plane, or some of you may even meet them in this dimension–this is great news! Help comes in all forms–be open to receive!

If you feel called to connect with your spiritual gifts for service, with channeling or energy healing for example, take the steps to get started; the world needs you now more than ever. Today is also wonderful to receive spiritual services, such as readings or Reiki.

The action for today is to follow-thru on your divinely guided ideas and inspirations, but no need to go full-steam ahead–take things in a moderated pace. As well, connect with Spirit for continued clarity.

Thursday, August 26th

There’s a kind of tug-of-war between your old way of being and your new way of being; you are in an in-between place. This is actually wonderful because from this place there is balance. You have the gentle opportunity to witness your old self and decide, do I leave or do I stay? You can also decide another way, maybe merging the two, or something else…there are always multiple options.

Your past and future are trying to get your attention here in the present, but neither have the power to change anything. You can only change things from here and now, so look at what was with love and detachment, and look at what could be with joy and reverence.

Potentially a circumstance from your past will come up today for attention–possibly something that will be tempting to get into–for many of you this could be going back to a job you hated but possibly you feel like you need the money, for example. This is your opportunity to choose your path; no way is “wrong” but consider what you want more of. You can always negotiate, for example, if you wanted to go back to that job–maybe create an agreement that works for you and your employer. You don’t need to make this decision today; take your time as you adjust to these energies.

As you integrate these new energies into your life, take it easy with your body. Deep healing can feel differently for everyone, so sit with yourself and ask your body what it needs. Is it more rest? Is it less caffeine? Is it better food? It is a pampering service, such as a massage? Nourish and treat your body temple, which is the most grounding thing you can do.

I sense these blessed energies coming from a Spiritual Sun which is connected with our physical sun, so go outside and get some sunlight, and fresh air. I also sense many of us receiving wonderful news–the gifts continue to roll in. We are reclaiming what was once lost, or eluded us.

The action for today is to sit with yourself and focus on self-care; know that while a decision has to be made, it doesn’t have to be made today. Take a balanced approach and perspective to everything that comes up for you, and honestly celebrate yourself, and how much you’ve accomplished. Everything is truly working in your favor!

Friday, August 27th

If you feel like you’ve taken a step back or have gone “back” to place you thought you healed from, just know that actually when things resurface it is another opportunity for healing. You are exactly where you are meant to be, how you are meant to be, and exactly as you are meant to be. Your mind might try to reconcile what is happening or has happened as something you’ve done “wrong” but it only knows things as opposites; good or bad, black or white, right or wrong…it rarely picks up another perspective. Your mind is just doing what it’s been taught, but your higher mind knows the truth; all is well.

Actually things are even better than you think! You’ve laid a solid foundation to build your empire from, and every single day there is a new layer being built. Things are happening even if you cannot yet perceive the changes. This is the time to look at yourself and your life through the eyes of love, and innocence. Think of yourself as a child who is learning how to live life; would you tell this child they are doing things wrong, or are they simply learning? Open your mind and observe yourself and life with curiosity; you are learning a new way of being. This is such a blessed moment for you and us all, to be able to look back with love and appreciation.

How can you approach anything that comes up for you today with compassion? Use gratitude to open the door. Be grateful for everything and you will see the blessings here for you now. Your mind is not leading the way here; follow your heart.

The action for today is to treat yourself and your past with kindness. As well, know that there’s no need to rush; Spirit is doing the heavy lifting. Get out of your head and into your body–make this day pleasurable to your senses.

Saturday, August 28th

The Divine Feminine is liberating us all from our fears and burdens. She is asking you to lay down your concerns at her feet; she knows exactly what to do to transform all the energies you give to her.

Many of you will feel liberated today, like taking a breath of fresh air. You may feel lighter and like you want to rejoice; you have every reason to be joyful. Profound healing has taken place and you are integrating these blessed, universal energies successfully. If this is you today, your best course of action is to give thanks. Open your arms wide and give Her thanks for the many blessings here for you now. You are free! One cycle has ended (or will soon end) to make way for a new cycle.

Many others feel afraid of the changes taking place; possibly you have been going against the current. Possibly you want things to be how they were. I get it; even painful circumstances can feel like a comfort zone. If this is you today, the best action you can take is to give it all to Her. Surrender. Use the element of water to feel Her soothing energy today–you can take a bath or go by a body of water, or you can listen to calming ocean waves on Youtube. All the water you work with today will wash away your tears and fears–you will feel so much better when you release the burdens you’ve been holding on to. Ask Her for healing and protection as you move past fear into love.

Regardless of how you may feel today, the energy is blessed and nurturing. You are moving away from your struggles and into freedom–towards love. Truly this is an empowering time for us all.

Sunday, August 29th

She is working this week! The Divine Feminine is working Her magic to do away with everything which has been keeping us stuck, especially those of us in toxic relationships. Don’t chase what is being withheld from you or is leaving your life because it has exited for an important reason: not everyone has your best interests in mind (or heart).

“Rejection is God’s protection” as they say, and many of us have people in our lives who don’t wish us well; who don’t want us to shine our light or be great. They want us to be stuck like them. They want us to be all about them. So if She has taken away a relationship from you, just know that something stronger is on the way. Something better is on the way.

You may soon know who in your life is truly about love and who is not; those who are not here for you, let them go with love. You don’t need them for the path you are on. Understand that any pain or grief they have caused you, is not about you; it’s about their own pain. Say goodbye with love to them as She sets them on a path different from yours.

Actually for what you want (and need) to create, you can’t have anyone holding you back. The roads are open to you and there is something you are needed for. Now let me say this, greatness doesn’t mean that you will create something for everyone in this world; it could be that your mission is to be a great mother, or a great friend. We are always being shaped by the people in our lives, so your role will be as “big” as it needs to be; it could be as big as the globe, or as big as a community. Don’t ever think that what you have to offer is not valuable; it so is! And it is needed right now.

You can rest on your laurels today because victory is here! The action for today is to open your heart in gratitude and continue to feel the loving presence of our Divine Mother, helping us all. Appreciate the person who you were, are, and will be.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

This week’s deck: Work Your Light Oracle Cards


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