Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast – August 9 to August 15, 2021

Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast – August 9 to August 15, 2021

Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family; happy August! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for August 9th through August 15th, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

I will be posting a daily card on TikTok, and Youtube so find me on there and get a reminder of the energy for the day.

The overall energy this week:

The energy may feel a little bit all over the place this week; you are learning how to find your footing at this new stage in your life. Be patient with yourself, as you learn how to fly with your new wings; you’ve never flown before so you have to take your time as you gain momentum.

The energy this week is more about how you engage and interact with the outer world. You have tapped into a new, inner world, and now you want to play with how your new way of being integrates into your reality. Your emotions will be integral this week in helping you understand what’s going on within. Continue to discover what your body needs, what your emotional self needs, and how your needs are met. It may be tempting to try to think your way out of things, but the answer is to allow your feelings to come up, and pass for healing.

The best course of action to take this week is to not take things so seriously. Remember to get in plenty of time to play and have fun! Do whatever you can for self-care and pleasure because joy is here for you now, and it wants to invite you to enjoy this new beginning.

Focus on your earthly body; shift your energies and emotions by engaging in physical activity that is fun, like dancing for example. Also continue to ground and connect with nature. You can find free grounding music and meditations on Youtube.

Your thoughts and emotions do not run the show; you as awareness do. The you that observes yourself and your life is the one you want to engage with.


Music and art will be your magical tools for the week, as we create new stories for our lives–do you want your story to be more of the same, or something better? You are the Hero of your story.

Monday, August 9th

Continue to surrender to the blessed changes here for you now. You are continuing to move away from the old, outdated patterns and stories which were keeping you stuck. Many paths lay before you, but you need to get centered before you can decide in which direction to head.

Many of you are headed in a new direction with respect to your spirituality; possibly learning new skills or working on elevating your gifts. Just remember that life is a marathon not a sprint; you don’t need to go “hard” and fast at learning everything. Take it all slow and steady.

Consider all your options before diving in to a new commitment (such as a job, or relationship); allow yourself to receive the guidance from Spirit you need to move forward. The more you can take action in co-creation with Spirit, the more fulfillment you will find. As well, many of you are moving away from hardships and challenges, but just because you have more time/energy doesn’t mean you want to squander them away in a day. Use your newfound resources wisely.

The action for the day is getting grounded, and allowing yourself to be led by Spirit.

Tuesday, August 10th

Going back to the theme of play this week, look into how you use play to tap into creativity. The energy is lighter and you are more connected to Spirit, so see what inspires you now. Any ideas that come up for you, are blessed. Just write them all down and take the action one step at a time; there’s no need to rush.

Many of you will be inspired by music, or you are involved in creating music. There are ideas flowing in, which will help others once manifested into form. What you are being urged to create will help others in a big way, possibly even in a therapeutic way. If it’s something that helps you, you know it will help others.

Divine communication will be strong this week, so pay attention to the signs received, even in dreams or in words spoken aloud. These signs will help you understand what it is that Spirit is guiding you to create. If you are feeling stuck creatively, get into your body. Put on some feel-good music and just vibe.

If you have children or work with children, allow them to teach you how to play, and have more fun!

Out of the entire week, today looks like the best for working on your projects and goals, while you have the momentum to do so, but take a moderate approach; don’t use up all your energy at once.

Wednesday, August 11th

I find that when I am having a hard time of being or feeling grateful, the best way to step back in gratitude is by providing service to others. If life is feeling hard or has you feeling overwhelmed, think on how you once prayed for the things and circumstances you currently have. Your task today is to zoom out of your life, and look at the bigger picture. By inviting a more expansive perspective, you won’t feel so bogged down by your ‘to-do’s’.

As well, how can you find your center when things outside of you seem to be out of your control (as everything is)? Is it through meditation, prayer, exercise, self-care? Find your way to bring more center to your life, so that you don’t feel rattled when things “don’t go your way”. In fact, be grateful for everything as it is now, in this moment.

You’ll see that once you shift your perspective, you actually do have the support, help, and resources to get things done. And honestly, you don’t have to do it alone. Give yourself permission to ask for help, and receive it. You are loved and taken care of. Let go of any burdens and turn them over to the Divine.

Your action for today is to look past any illusions of not lack, or missing something, to one where you are grateful for the abundance currently in your life. You have food, water, opportunities, people, places, etc. The list goes on. Open your heart with gratitude.

Thursday, August 12th

Today is all about receiving. I told you earlier on to write your ideas down, because this week is not so much for action. Allow yourself to receive the support and resources to help you get going on those blessed creations. Today is the most important for self-care, so give yourself a timeout for much need rest and relaxation.

Water is the main element to work with right now, so give yourself an energy clearing bath using pink or Epsom salt, for example. Create a space in your home which is dedicated to you and your self-care, even if it’s your bed. Just make it beautiful, and sensual. Engage with your physical senses–light a scented candle or incense. Maybe have a ‘spa day’ and get your nails done, or a massage.

Play doesn’t have to be about games or toys, it can also be “grown and sexy”, with some wine and good music. Giving yourself this break can greatly help you overcome any confusion you may be experiencing. Clarity will be yours after much-needed rest.

Your action for today is to make time for you. Find the joy here for you today.

Friday, August 13th

By allowing yourself to receive and properly caring for yourself after much hard work, you are being properly compensated. The Universe (God, Source, etc) is sending you Divine compensations. For many of you this means more money; could be a raise, or some money which was previously blocked. For others, you may be getting more clients to your business, especially if you are in the spiritual realm. Your gifts and needed in this world, and are valued.

Continue to tap into your Divine Feminine wisdom (this applies to both men and women), which could mean paying more attention to your intuition. Your intuition is how Spirit speaks to you, so listen to what it has to say, especially on opportunities which are coming your way. You may, for example, get a nudge to go somewhere, and end up meeting someone who will hire you for a job. Go towards the direction Spirit is guiding you to.

I also see winds of change blowing for you, with respect to your finances. It’ll soon be a time of harvest for us all. Remember to pay it forward when your ships come in.

Your action for today is to lift your spirits and vibes because you have every reason to feel hopeful!

Saturday, August 14th

Today is a magical day; pay attention with all of your senses! Even if you think there’s nothing happening on the outside, trust that Spirit is working! Keep on following the signs and guidance; there are messages everywhere! Nothing is a coincidence. Whatever confusion or indecision you may be experiencing will get cleared up with Spirit.

Open yourself up to all of the possibilities life has for you. Our minds can only perceive based on past knowledge; on what we already know. This is such a limited state of being. So even if you can’t quite imagine what you’d like to create or what the best version of your life is, give it a try. Don’t focus on the how; children ask for what they want and they don’t know (or care) how it comes about. Allow yourself to just want, without imposing limitations.

Continue to use the magical tools of music and art to stay in your creative-zone, and connect with your inner child, who just wants to play. Play can easily take you from a ‘blah’ vibration to a high vibration, and this is where we can manifest more of what we want with ease.

Your action for the day is to look beyond what is, for what could be.

Sunday, August 15th

We continue to move away from challenges and obstacles, but be honest with yourself about what changes you are willing to accept in your life. Oftentimes we can be trapped in a circumstance of our own making, only because we can’t see beyond our suffering. You are not a victim. Your history does not define who you are. You are not your thoughts or emotions; you are greater than a sum of parts.

Speak kinder to yourself. Be kinder to yourself. You have every reason to believe that you are worthy of living a life of joy and abundance, even if you don’t feel that way right now–everything is temporary, and yes the energy is shifting for you in the best way. But you have to believe that you are worthy to receive; all you have to do is keep showing up to life. Keep giving your burdens to Spirit for transformation.

Continue to work with your body temple; nourish it, let it rest, let it move and play. Connect with Mama Earth…get out of your head–nothing is created there other than thoughts. A thought is not a life or an experience. Our bodies are where our experiences are, so do more of what makes it feel good (and is good for it).

Your action for today is to use positive affirmations and mantras, to shift your energy. Turn to your loved ones if you need a reminder of how awesome you are. The truth is, everything is working in your favor, especially when you don’t see it that way–all it takes is a shift in energy.

What do you think of this week’s reading?

This week’s deck: Chrysalis Tarot

1 Comment

  1. There are end number of possibilities on tarot. You have really a very good in depth knowledge on this. Subscribed your blog for more upcoming and interesting posts.

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