Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-November 1 to November 7, 2021

Hello my Blessed Manifestation family, and Happy November! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for November 1 to November 7, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

Happy November everyone! My Virgo Rising loves that we are starting the week on the 1st day of a new month!

We are in the astrological season of Scorpio, asking us to dig deep–superficial just won’t do. In the spirit of healing, old wounds may resurface for cleansing–think of it as that uncomfortable little itch that takes place when a cut is healing. This is part of a conclusion for you; moving away from struggles and strife, and onto greener pastures.

This week we have a New Moon in Scorpio (on the 4th) asking us to tap into our deepest desires–what do you want to bring into form? Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, and if you don’t know what it is you want, this is the time to reflect.

Part of this week’s healing process may have you looking over the “spilled milk” of your life–those missed opportunities, regrets, and “failures” from the past, but just know that it was all part of your growth. Everything from the past has taught you something new; it has forged something inside of you–how can you make use of these energies and memories? How can you work them to your advantage? Spirit wants you to know that even if those circumstances didn’t work out, or even if they were painful for you, that doesn’t define you; that does not define your life story.

You have every reason to feel hopeful about the future because you have the strength and wisdom to overcome any current challenges. You have the tools, and most importantly, you have your faith.

Spirit also has a special message for you–you are protected. They have your back, but continue to do your part with your spiritual hygiene and setting healthy boundaries with others.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Monday, November 1:

The Wheel of Fortune is turning in your favor! You are entering a time of sweetness in your life. Let Life’s honey soothe and comfort you, and give you a little boost.

Destiny cranks the wheel round and round; sometimes we’re up and sometimes we’re down. You are reaching a time of success in your endeavors, so be proud of how far you’ve come.

Today is All Saints Day, among other celebrations, but the common theme across the board is honoring our past–honoring our passed over loved ones. Honoring the ones who walked before you, and who are with you now in spirit. Lay out something sweet for your beloved spiritual family, such as candy or desserts. If that’s not your thing, at least say ‘thank you’; kindness and gratitude are sweeter than any treat.

The action for today is to celebrate yourself and celebrate your spiritual family. Give thanks for all of the blessings here and now, and the ones to come. As well, give thanks even for those “dark” moments in your life–they’ve served you, even if you don’t know how just yet.

P.S: some of you will also be leveling-up in your romantic relationships–possibly engagements or marriages. This is also a day to show love to your honey.

Tuesday, November 2:

This is a time of balance and harmony for you–the energies within and around you are leveling out. This will greatly help with your thoughts and emotions, as they work for you, rather than against you.

Going back to what I mentioned about harnessing the power of those “dark periods” of your life, you can (and will) move on. Those moments served as lessons, and even blessings if you can see that, and they’ve all brought you to this place. Many of you may feel like you’ve failed at something, and that has left you feeling defeated, or vulnerable, but know that your light is re-igniting. You will feel the flames of passion again, which will help you feel inspired and give you a more positive outlook.

Many of you may be feeling defeated in the romance department, but please don’t give up hope. Love is here right now, even if it’s not in the form of romance–which still can (and will) happen. Allow your thoughts and emotions to balance themselves so that you can move forward confidently, knowing that you deserve to receive the manifestations of your deepest desires.

Many of you are heading towards stronger and better relationships–believe it.

The action for today is to infuse more ‘spice’ into your life–try eating spicy foods, to raise your vibes and universal life force energy. As well, try a Sacral Chakra meditation for an added boost in energy and vitality.

Wednesday, November 3:

Spirit is asking you to consider making necessary lifestyle changes, for your overall health. These don’t have to be drastic changes, even a small change such as drinking more water can greatly help you.

As we enter the darker and colder periods here in the Northern Hemisphere, we are being asked to strengthen ourselves for the changes in weather. Strengthen and fortify your immune system, which starts at the gut, believe it or not. Consider consulting with your doctor or a herbalist, to figure out what nutrients you would benefit from the most.

Keep in mind that while many of us can eat whatever we want, anytime we want it, our bodies don’t necessarily agree with our choices. The body is a cyclical vessel, which needs different nourishment at different periods. For example, you may be craving more warm and comforting foods while the temperatures drop–point is, listen to what your body needs. This is a time of harmonizing within and without.

The action today is to consider what kinds of healthier lifestyle choices you can begin to incorporate now. As well, make a plan to receive the healthcare you need, whether that means a more modern or holistic approach. Some of you will benefit from switching doctors or medical practitioners–time to try something new. And never forget to give thanks for everything in your life, including giving thanks to the foods you eat.

Thursday, November 4:

Today’s New Moon is brining forth abundant blessings for us all!

Many of you have been going through a bit of a financial strain–possibly feeling like you don’t have enough. I just want to say that Abundance is always present. Even in those moments when you feel you don’t have enough money or things–look around at what you do have. A home. A family. Friends. Food…you have so much to be grateful for! Count every single one of your blessings, to make space for new blessings.

Money is coming in and your hard work is paying off. Keep at it. Spirit is supporting your efforts and you will see a pay-off soon (if you haven’t already). Today consider doing more spiritual work, to raise your prosperity–this could be in the form of affirmations or mantras, or vision boards, or even spellwork. Do whatever has worked for you in the past, or try something new. Mama Moon supports your endeavors, and will help you.

The action for today is to focus on manifestation work. Harness the power of this New Moon to create more opportunities for income. But also consider why you want “more” and how you will give back when you get what you receive.

Friday, November 5:

Today’s card is asking you to have faith in yourself, and in the higher powers in your life. Spirit will never let you down. You may have felt betrayed or disappointed in the past, due to painful circumstances. You’re right, sometimes there’s no rational explanation for why things happened, and you have every right to feel what you feel. But there are mysteries beyond our human comprehension–just consider for a small moment, that everything happens for a reason, even if we don’t know what that reason is.

Spirit is always sending you tools and resources to help you on your journey–the more open you are to them, the easier you’ll be able to pick up on these gifts. Spirit wants you to know that they will be showing you more impactful signs of their loyalty to you. You will be receiving even more gifts, to lighten your load. But they want you to also be faithful to them–really, all they ask is that you give them a little. You take one step towards Spirit and Spirit will take a thousand towards you. Showing faith could be as simple as stating a prayer–you decide how little or how much to give.

Some of you will also be diving deeper into your relationships with Spirit, which may also include receiving more spiritual work and tools.

The action for today is to be open to give and receive Love–to allow your reserves to be filled by Spirit. Consider a Heart Chakra meditation to release old wounds and unforgiveness, which may be keeping you stuck from perceiving the Divine Truth.

Saturday, November 6:

The energy may be a little heavier this weekend–you may want to take today for rest and relaxation. Consider lightening your schedule, especially from group events or large gatherings. Today is one that may be best for staying in.

Whatever comes up for you today is a part of the harmonizing process I mentioned earlier this week–this is part of your healing. So many of us are out of touch with our emotions, so it may feel uncomfortable when we feel things more intensely. But think of your inner self as having a filter–if this fiter is not regularly cleaned, it will become clogged and could cause harm. Crying is a natural way of shedding what is no longer working in our lives. As well, crying actually opens us up to those “feel good” hormones, which lower stress levels. Point is, focus on your self-care today.

Take a time-out from the hustle and bustle, and check-in with yourself. How are you feeling? What do you need?

This is a day of great clarity–many of you will be receiving insights into circumstances which may have been confusing before. Some of you may learn some upsetting revelations regarding close friends, or even romantic partners. Be gentle with yourself at this time.

Some of you are also continuing deeper into your spiritual journeys–this is a solo journey; keep at it even if others don’t understand what is happening with you. You are tapping into your inner light, and powers.

The action for today is to rest, relax, and cleanse. Take it easy today and do light energy cleansing of your home and sanctuary spaces.

Sunday, November 7:

Know that you have the strength, courage, and wisdom to stand up for what you believe in–in this case, this is pertaining to your most authentic self.

As you grow to know yourself more, you will realize you may no longer have the same interests and desires as before. We were never meant to be stagnant, and so growth is very natural, even if others resist the changes. You have changed and are continuing to change, as you evolve into your most authentic form. No justification or explanations are required. If there’s someone in your life who no longer “gets” you, that’s OK. And vice-versa.

Many of you are shifting out of relationships which no longer serve you–this could be romantic, familial, or platonic. Whatever has left or is leaving your life, is making space for a more fulfilling life. These changes are the answers to your prayers.

Today’s card is telling you to have the courage to set healthy boundaries with others. I’ll share a personal story with you–I drank socially for many years, and sometimes even more than just socially. I slowly lessened my alcohol consumption over the years because my body was not able to process it like before. These past two years I have rarely touched an alcoholic beverage, though many of my friends continue to consume (no judgement or shade). When we would get together I would find myself trying to explain why I was not drinking, until one day I decided I would no longer give explanations or try to justify my actions. The people in my life will either accept it or not.

I sense for many of you there will be “fall out” with some people in your life–the question is, do you want to defend yourself or do you just want to simply let those leaves fall away from your branch? There is no need for a fight or struggle, unless you allow there to be.

Live in your truth because this is how you will find and feel more fulfillment. Listen to your inner guidance and wisdom, and know that you will not be alone and isolated–whomever has left will be replaced by stronger and more accepting individuals.

The action for today is to know that you have what it takes to overcome any challenge, and you will be victorious! Be very discerning of what (and who) you give your energy to. Fights are very draining, so pick and choose your “battles” (if any). Also know that Spirit is strengthening and supporting you.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

This week’s deck: Witches’ Kitchen Oracle Cards


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