Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-September 27 to October 3, 2021

Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-September 27 to October 3, 2021

Hello my Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for September 27 to October 3, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

Things are in full motion this week. We have entered into a new season (Autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere), as well as a new astrological season (Libra). There are plenty of planets still in retrograde, including Mercury who will start its moonwalking this week. So lots of activity going on, which could at times feel chaotic or overwhelming, depending on your perspective. The best approach to have this week is a moderate one.

Even though the current is fast moving, take your time with making decisions. Be balanced with everything you do, and try as much as you can to take the past of least resistance. Libra is an Air sign, which means taking a logical step first would be prudent. If you feel a little confused at times it may be because your heart and mind are not in agreement; is there a way to compromise, in order to keep moving forward?

Retrogrades are opportunity for us to re-flect, re-lease, re-ceive; in essence to pause and take a look at the activity within us and all around us. From this grounded place we can observe if there are areas for improvement, before proceeding further. Re-vise your plans or goals. Re-view your life and where you are headed.

For this week’s deck I chose to work with my Archangel Michael oracle cards because on September 29th many Catholics and other Spiritualists celebrate what is known as “Michaelmas”, or St. Michael’s Day. St. Michael is considered God’s “right hand’ so to speak, and is the leader of all of the Archangels. This day is also to celebrate all Archangels, including Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Uriel, among others. I turn to St. Michael for spiritual protection and guidance, and he has never failed me.

I post each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube, if you’d like to check them out and also read the prayer on the card.

This week, besides taking a balanced approach, you’ll also want to have a gentler touch with yourself and others. We continue to receive healing and nurturing from the Divine Feminine, all while receiving energy and motivation from the Divine Masculine. For many this balancing act can feel strange in the body/mind connection, so if you start to feel a little “off”, take a break.

I sense this week being more focused on the home: family, children, possibly even moving. This is a wonderful time of new beginnings for us all. Be gentle with yourself throughout all of these transitions.

Monday, September 27:

Today is all about receiving news and messages. There is important information coming your way, in both the spiritual and physical worlds. Pay attention to your dreams and any other signs, and synchronicities, you encounter for clues on the direction Spirit is sending you in.

Many of you may be receiving news of opportunities, or jobs, or something related to making a decision. You may also receive the information you need in order to move forward with something. Continue to listen to Spirit for guidance; trust your gut. Because we are in Mercury retrograde, ask as many questions as you need to, from all sources, in order to make an informed decision. Be sure to get an extra set of eyes to review any contracts or agreements you are considering signing.

Some of you may be looking to express yourself in creative forms, such as writing or with music; this will be healing for you and others; go for it.

The action for today is to be open to receive the guidance and information you need. You may also feel inspired to communicate your feelings; I recommend writing your thoughts down or recording yourself speaking, before initiating a deep conversation with someone. This is to make sure you are clear with the message you’d like to express.

Tuesday, September 28:

Many of you could benefit from the help of your communities today. There may be a problem you are dealing with that may be solved from others pitching in. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; don’t let any pride stand in the way of your success. Oftentimes we need others in order to help us move forward.

Many of you may also be seeking a community to belong to; possibly you no longer connect with the people in your inner circle. The need for change is a basic one, and many times this could manifest as a disconnection from others. There’s no need to burn bridges or cut ties; consider instead creating some distance from those you aren’t feeling connected to anymore, while you find a new tribe to belong to.

The more you can be honest with yourself about your needs, the clearer you’ll become on what it is you want. But be gentle with this process because your mood may be affected by the current planetary energy. In other words, don’t break-up with your partner just because you may feel “bored’ with them…these moods will pass.

The action for today is to consider spending time in nature, contemplating on what kinds of relationships you feel you will benefit from at this time. Also consider making a list of friends who could potentially help you work out whatever challenge you may be facing. Lastly, consider what role you play in your community: how are you giving back? How have you been supportive? If you’ve been self-focused lately, it may be time to zoom out and think about how you can help someone else out today.

Wednesday, September 29:

Happy Michaelmas all! Today is wonderful to light a candle for St. Michael and all the Archangels, and thank them for their service. Besides providing spiritual protection, St. Michael can also help to cut the cords to toxic relationships and circumstances.

Today is one for great healing and blessed energy; if you are willing and able to, consider attending a mass or stepping into a church today to receive this powerful Archangel’s blessings. But you can receive them even if you don’t go to a place of worship–just ask him.

Ask Archangel St. Michael to cut away what is no longer working in your life–today those aspects may become clearer. You will come to know what is no longer working, and what you want to release, if you don’t already. I sense today being one for clarity and clear-knowing. Your intuition may be heightened, so pay attention to those nudges you receive.

The action for today is to ask St. Michael to grant you the courage and strength to help you make the necessary changes to your life. As well, ask for him and all the angels to send you the support and resources you need. If you know who or what you would like cut out from your life, ask St. Michael to cut those cords.

Thursday, September 30:

We continue to receive St. Michael’s blessings today, on the heels of Michaelmas. Many of you will become clear on who in your life you need to detach from, or even which circumstances in your life need to come to a conclusion.

Many of you are being taken advantage of or manipulated by someone you know; you may not even be aware, but many of you know who this person is (or people are). Now that you’ve asked St. Michael for protection and guidance, he will help you know who this person or circumstance is, and will make their intentions clear to you.

Continue to listen to the intuitive guidance you receive, maybe even messages through dreams. Read the prayer on today’s card before going to bed tonight. Any confusion will be cleared up so you can clearly know what to do next. You may also clearly know how this person (or people) have negatively impacted your life.

In a way, today is one for secrets being revealed. The veils of illusions are thin–any kind of “hold” someone has had over you, is coming to an end.

The action for today is to pray for spiritual protection and guidance, and clear your energy. Many of you have been blocked spiritually by a person–in other words, they may have sent negative energy your way, possibly even with spells or hexes. But you are protected! Just continue to do whatever spiritual work you can, to release this toxic energy. St. Michael and Spirit (God, Angels, Ancestors, etc) have got your back! Create distance with this person, circumstance, or people, but you don’t need to do much else with them because Spirit is taking care of it!

There are many things you can do for spiritual protection, so find what works for you.

Divine Justice is being served!

Friday, October 1:

Happy October! Spirit has got your back; don’t doubt that! Some of you may be feeling challenged or burdened, or possibly even upset about the recent revelations you’ve received about another, but don’t fret! You have nothing to worry about; all is well.

If you are a person who is energy-sensitive, and you are currently in the process of releasing toxic people or circumstances from your life, you may be feeling a little down. Maybe the person you thought was your friend was the one who wished you ill, and now you have that awareness. It’s OK to grieve a loss, but don’t stay there. Whatever Spirit has done to release the binds which were keeping you stuck, has been for your own good.

Actually you should know that the blocked energies have been removed–no matter what this person, circumstance, or people did, you dreams are still protected and on their way to you! No matter what happened in the past, your victory is assured! You have the strength, power, and support from Spirit with you! You can overcome any challenge with Spirit!

Because of recent experiences which may have shaken your faith in people, or left you feeling a bit mistrusting or afraid, you will want to ask Spirit to boost your confidence and help you remember the powerhouse that you are!

The action for today is to connect with Spirit to give you the confidence boost you need. As well, consider a Solar Plexus Chakra meditation on Youtube. All is well!

Saturday, October 2:

Connecting with nature will help you gain the clarity you need to move forward confidently. Go outside today and shake away the past–memories, circumstances, traumas, and yes even the good times…the past is no longer here. Pondering on the past is only good when it is used as a tool, but if it hinders you then you’ll want to reconsider your trip down memory lane.

Spending time outdoors will help you connect with nature and help you remember what is logical and real; with what is present. Look at the blessings all around you! This will help to shift your perspective, so you can keep moving forward towards your goals. As well, being outside and breathing in that freshness is preparing our bodies for the oncoming changes in weather. Allow your body to become acclimated to the changes in temperature–especially your lungs, as we head into cooler weather.

The action for today is to be present with what is. Go outside and get some fresh air, and a fresh perspective. Be grateful for everything right now, just as it is.

Sunday, October 3:

Retrogrades have a way of bringing up people, places, and circumstances from the past. Yesterday’s reading served as another reminder to help us continue to let go of what no longer serves us.

When the past comes up to greet you, ask yourself if the moment is helping or hindering you. This will help you determine whether to move on, or re-assess. For example, many of you will be receiving messages from past romantic partners (exes) or lost romantic connections. This is an opportune time to gain closure or decide if a second chance is warranted.

Archangel Michael reminds us all today that we are not the same–we have all changed in many ways, and for the better. We know ourselves more and have a deeper connection to our Higher Power. Keeping this in mind, if you are not the same person you were, then consider approaching any past people or circumstances which come up for you, in a new way–from this new position of power. Don’t compromise on yourself or the work you’ve done, for another.

I sense for many of you this is an opportune time to say “au revoir” to those past people or circumstances–this is the moment you need to complete that chapter. The wheel of fortune is turning in your favor, but only you decide if you want to move forward or backwards.

The action for today is to recognize how far you’ve come, and all of your accomplishments. Consider how different you are and your life is; you have different goals and desires, and a different outlook on life. Approach whatever comes your way from this new place. Ask yourself, is going backwards worth it? Treat yourself with love, kindness and respect, and anyone who enters your life moving forward should (and will) do the same.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

This week’s deckArchangel Michael Oracle Cards

(you can view the card of the day on TikTok, and Youtube)


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