Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-September 6 to September 12, 2021

Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for September 6 to September 12, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

I will be posting a daily card on TikTok, and Youtube so find me on there and get a reminder of the energy for the day!

The overall energy this week:

Being that we are in Virgo season and healing and self-care are a focus, I chose to work with Archangel St. Raphael for this week’s reading to give us further insight into our health. We start this week with a New Moon in Virgo, which may be urging us to improve upon any health concerns.

We are all being led towards greater health, and you may have recently felt changes were needed; many of you are seeking new forms of healthcare or new practitioners and healing modalities. You may be considering making changes to the way you eat, your lifestyle, or taking supplements. One of the best ways to know what your body needs (besides listening to it) is by connecting with Spirit. Your spiritual family knows exactly what you need and how you can get it, so listen to their guidance because they are trying to help.

As well, continue to walk in faith that any health issues you may be experiencing will be healed. If you are someone who prays, consider working with healing entities such as St. Raphael or St. Jude, or anyone else you prefer, to petition for miraculous healing. Know that you are aligned with your work towards healing, to receiving support and solutions.

Your best bet is to continue listening to your intuition because this is how Spirit speaks to you. Don’t get caught up so much in the ‘how’ things will work out, especially if there’s something you’ve been wanting to try but feel you cannot afford to invest in at this time–leave the how up to Spirit. Just continue moving forward and believe that help is already here! Stay optimistic.

Monday, September 6:

Today is brilliant for making any health-based petitions or for manifestation work; use this New Moon to get you set on the best path. Solutions, messages, ideas, and resources are on the way to you. The energy is forward-moving so expect to receive aha! moments to any circumstances that may be frustrating to you. You are being guided to new doctors, healers, or healing modalities.

Always listen to your intuition and trust that you know best what your body needs, even if it may oppose a medical opinion. You can always get a second, third, fourth, etc opinion when it comes to your health. Archangel St. Raphael wants you to know that the power is in your hands! You hold the power to unlock vibrant health–no one else controls you or your destiny. Trust your gut and move on to the people, places, and spaces that can support you on your health journey.

The action for today is to decide what you want for your health; create a vision for how you want to feel in your body, and even what you want to look like, once you reach optimal health. Then take any steps you can towards that vision. Work with Spirit and the New Moon energy to set the intentions to receive all the wisdom and support you need. Lastly, the Solar energy is strong today, so go outside if you can, to catch some of those rays (doesn’t matter if it’s sunny out or not–go get some fresh air).

This message is for some of you: your mood may be affected by the Sun (or lack thereof). If your moods have been up and down, track how much time you spend outside each day; how much sunshine you get, and how you feel the day of, and the day after. You may get a clear picture to better understand how to remain in a “sunny” disposition.

Tuesday, September 7:

Believe it or not our relationships have much to do with how we feel about ourselves, and they can greatly affect our physical experiences. Many of you are dealing with current health issues which are tied to a significant relationship, and how this person has made you feel.

For many of you this relationship is with a romantic partner, and you are both looking for an opportunity for healing. Consider making the first move or opening the lines of communication; this bump in the road is preparing you both for greater emotional fulfillment. This moment of hurt is opening a door to elevate your relationship; don’t give up.

For many others, this forgiveness has to do with someone who lost touch with; possibly an old flame or ex. Something was left unsaid or unresolved, and the energy build-up is blocking you from a new relationship, or from feeling the love you deserve. The current energy is supporting you to release this blockage so that you can experience greater freedom.

Forgiveness of yourself and others is one of the most healing things you can do.

The action for today is to focus on the Heart Chakra. Look for healing meditations on Youtube, or focus on the color green to get your heart energy flowing. Open yourself up to give and receive love, and be willing to release old pain to make space for new love. Ask Spirit to help you forgive so that you can move on; you may feel more vitality and experience more rapid healing in your body.

Wednesday, September 8:

Today is one for alternative solutions. Sometimes we are called to release certain behaviors in order to make space for greater blessings. With respect to today’s energy, consider how certain stimulants, such as caffeine or alcohol, are negatively impacting your body. I promise I won’t get preachy here, but St. Raphael tells me that you already know what your body has been telling you to cut back on. So knowing this important piece of guidance, why do you continue to self-sabotage?

Vibrant health is not an overnight solution; you have to be patient and consistent to see what works for you, or what doesn’t work. In a way, you are like your own guinea pig, and experimenting on yourself. Search for the solutions you need; ask for help from others who have done what you are trying to do. Some of you are having a hard time quitting smoking, for example, but know that you don’t have to do this alone. Be patient with yourself as your body learns how to adapt without those harmful substances. The time has come to make blessed lifestyle changes.

The action for today is to consider what you have been addicted to that is negatively impacting your health–what alternatives are there to that thing you continue to consume? For example, if it is coffee, can you try black tea or something else with less caffeine instead? There are solutions, even if you haven’t thought of them yet. Consider how much better you will feel once you can make those changes you are being guided to make. What’s one, small change you can make today towards better health?

Thursday, September 9:

For many of you today’s message is to try different healing modalities, even if they may seem a little “out there” for you. You may have already been guided towards a specific service, such as Reiki–if you are scared to try something new, ask your networks to see if anyone else has tried it, and how they felt about it. Or try going with a friend. If intuitively you feel guided to try something, give it a chance as long as it is done with love; don’t try something if you feel forced to.

I remember how nervous I was about trying acupuncture for the first time, but the practitioner explained the process to me and she made me feel at ease. I ended up loving it, and it has helped me so much. Work with healers, practitioners, doctors, etc who listen to your needs and answer all of your questions. If you find someone who is rushed or not present, move on.

Working with Divine Masculine healers can also help you at this time. Consider praying to master healers, such as St. Raphael, St. Jude, or Jesus Christ, to lead you towards the healing modality you need. Always keep in mind that you are the authority over your health, always. Take charge of your self-care.

Some of you are being guided to offer healing services; you are a healer in your own way–you know who you are. If this is you, this is your greenlight to get your business started–this could be a solution to you feeling more fulfilled and being financially supported.

The action for today is to consider trying at least one new healing modality or service, and asking around for advice and recommendations.

Friday, September 10:

Your relationships have come up again this week, so further confirmation on how they are impacting your overall well-being. I want you to consider how Spirit is playing a role in all of your connections, whether they are romantic, friendly, loving, work-related, etc. Sometimes people come and go without any explanation or closure. Sure you can investigate on what happened, but if you still come up empty, just let it go. Sometimes people are in your life for a season, and sometimes for much longer than that; either way, nothing is permanent.

For the path you are headed on, not everyone can join you. Some people in your current circles or networks will be moving on; they are headed towards their own paths. The advice for today is, don’t chase what has left you or what you have left behind. Continue to move forward knowing that the best people and circumstances are what matter now, and Spirit is making it happen.

The action for today is to be open to synchronistic events or occurrences that are giving you an opportunity to meet new people, or expand your networks. Also pay attention to how you feel around people today–what message is Spirit sending you about them? Pay attention.

Saturday, September 11:

Sleep, much like air and water, is essential for great health. I don’t know about you but if I don’t sleep well my whole mood for the day drops; I feel less able to cheer myself up from the blues.

Sleep gives our bodies the opportunity to reset–the brain is most active while we are asleep as it goes into ‘maintenance mode’ for us–it’s all for us! We have a whole entire factory working within us, but it operates best when we are at rest. Sleep also gives us time to process our thoughts and feelings, and can give Spirit another window to speak to us.

In this case, St. Raphael is letting you know that any solutions you need will become much clearer when you can fix your sleep cycle. You’ll have a fresher perspective and outlook, and an easier time of processing information. I don’t know if you’ve ever left your computer turned on for weeks, without restarting or shutting it down, but it becomes very slow. So think of yourself as a kind of computer; what kinds of things can you do to help you run more efficiently?

St. Raphael is also letting me know that money solutions will come to you in dreams; this could include brilliant ideas for products and services, or something else.

The action for today is to focus on improving your sleep cycle–really observe yourself and how you sleep, how long, what helps you stay asleep longer, how you prepare for bed, etc. Actually sit and do research or speak to a specialist on how you can rest better–your mind, heart, body, and life depend on it!

Sunday, September 12:

Referring back to yesterday’s message, the Lunar cycles may also be affecting your sleep cycles. Look into getting a lunar calendar or app and see how you sleep according to which cycle the moon is in. We are made of water and the Moon affects the tides, so it makes sense its cycles will also affect our cycles. This way you can track if, for example, you have a harder time sleeping during a Full Moon, which in that case you can then be ready with extra tools to help you sleep better.

We are all working towards breaking unhealthy habits and getting out of toxic relationship patterns, including co-dependent relationships. You don’t need to hold on so tightly to your loved ones, and the same applies for them towards you. We all need room to grow, and we are all evolving in our own ways. You don’t have to cut people off; just be willing to listen to Spirit’s guidance on a circumstance and be led towards the solutions.

Some of you may be dealing with someone who has lied to you or betrayed you in some way; try not to take things so personally. Oftentimes an action someone takes against you is more about how they feel about themselves, rather than how they feel about you. You don’t need to turn this situation into more than it is–this is how Spirit works in your life–sometimes it seems messy, but it is for the best. As well, you don’t have the full picture or all of the information–sometimes a mystery will remain a mystery, and you won’t get the answers you want. At this time, you don’t have all of the pieces of the puzzle; just be OK with that.

The action for today is to take a time-out for yourself, while Spirit does the heavy lifting. Focus on what you can do for yourself today, like take a nap, or take a bubble bath–what loving thing can you do for yourself today, without the company of others? Be loving and kind to yourself today, and every day from now on–this is the best form of self-care.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

This week’s deckArchangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards

(you can view the card of the day on TikTok, and Youtube)


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