What to Expect from your First Psychic Reading

A picture of Tarot Cards on a white cloth, and the blog post title on the side which reads "what to expect from your first psychic reading"

First off, what is a psychic reading? Well if you’ve never had one you should know that they vary; there’s no one set way to do or receive a psychic reading. I use the term “psychic” because this type of reading uses tools for divination, such as Tarot cards, Mediumship, Playing Cards, and so much more, though the people offering these kinds of readings may call themselves something other than Psychic, such as a Witch, a Healer, a Bruja, a Spiritualist, etc…

These readings are meant to offer you insight and guidance on a certain topic

Unless you are just seeing general advice. Before booking a psychic reading with someone I suggest getting to know their practice. Try following them on social media or joining their newsletters; learn what they’re about. See if you connect with how they provide guidance. Not every spiritual path is meant for everyone. You may find yourself seeking someone who offers readings in a certain lineage, such as Santeria, or you might want a reader with a more gentle touch. The choice is yours–go with whoever you feel a certain energetic connection to. Maybe you’re inspired by them or they speak your language, etc. You can also try asking people who’ve had these kinds of readings before, for recommendations.

I remember feeling so intimidated at the thought of getting my first Tarot reading—I was super curious but also had no idea where to start. I walked into a local botanica as a teen in NYC and had a reading from a lady who kind of creeped me out.

Just because someone identifies as “spiritual” in some way doesn’t mean they are good people, or have your best interest in mind. This is why doing some initial research on who you’d like a reading from is so important.

After you’ve identified who you would like to do your reading, the next step is considering what it is you’re looking for.

Do you have a specific question? Or maybe you just feel stuck and need guidance on how to get the energy moving in your favor. It’s important to be clear about your intention. Check their calendar to see when they’re available to do your reading, to see if it matches up with your schedule. Some readers only work certain days/hours, which may interfere with your hours, so you want to make sure your schedules match up.

If there’s a certain kind of way you’d like a psychic reading (for example, using coffee grounds versus Tarot cards) then you’ll want to make sure the reader offers the service. If you’re not sure, just ask!



Most of the time you’ll be expected to be in a fairly quiet and private space, so you can truly capture the messages meant for you. Make sure to have a way to take notes because it’s important to keep track of the guidance received.

All readers are channeling some kind of spiritual energy to help you receive the guidance you need. Possibly from your ancestors or spirit guides–again you can just ask the reader for clarification.

And lastly make sure to keep an open mind and be receptive to the guidance received. You don’t have to accept everything you hear, in fact I recommend you always remain discerning. Take some time to process what you’re told to then later decide how you want to proceed with the guidance.

Nothing is set in stone. If there’s information you don’t like, you have the power to change the energy and shift the tides. The power is always in your hands! But that doesn’t mean you will always get what you want; Spirit always delivers what you need, for your best and highest good. If you really connect with a reader, check back with them at least once a season, or as needed for specific concerns.

I’d love to hear how your first psychic reading went–let me know in the comments below!


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