Working with St. Jude for Health and Prosperity

St. Jude

St. Jude entered my life back in 2016, when I needed him most. I found myself in a tough financial spot and in desperate need of money. I remember I was searching through gigs on Craigslist when I stumbled on a post about St. Jude. I found it odd to see something spiritual in the gigs section but the headline mentioned something about financial miracles. I’m so glad I read through the ad and learned about a powerful Novena to him, asking for assistance in desperate financial times. I later came to realize this was the same St. Jude those commercials for the St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital are from. He is the Patron Saint of desperate circumstances, especially with health and financial concerns.

He has helped me in so many ways. One of my favorite stories to share of his miracles is when I attempted to move to Las Vegas in 2018.

A Testimony…

I had visited Vegas a few times and loved it, and finally saved up enough money to head out there. I had no real plan other than to stay with a friend of a friend until I found steady employment. I was going to be staying at someone’s house, renting their room for 3 months, but things did not work out with that person. I quickly found myself at an Airbnb desperate to find an apartment, or else all my funds would get used up.

I found a few options for rooms and apartments for rent but nothing seemed that great. I really wanted to make things work, so I signed a short-term lease (for 6 months) with an “ok” studio apartment; it was within budget and in the area I wanted. It was the first time I had ever done something like this on my own. I learned the hard way I should’ve planned a little better. Within 24 hours from signing the lease, things took a turn for the worse. It was basically a case of false advertising; things were definitely different in the nighttime–I felt so unsafe. Plus the studio became flooded with roaches once the sun set. My first night I found myself panicked and overwhelmed. I felt like a total failure.

I bounced around from hotel to Airbnb, draining my savings. I decided to go back to my parent’s home after that failed attempt, but first I had to solve the problem of the lease I had signed. I thankfully emailed the Property Manager that same night I left the studio, notifying them that I was no longer interested in the apartment. Of course they did not back down and said I would have to honor my lease. There was no way I was staying in Vegas nor paying rent for an apartment I was not going to be living in. I even went back to the studio for a moment to see if maybe I could make it work but honestly I had such a bad feeling about the entire thing.

I bought a plane ticket back home and had 7 days before heading out to try and make my case. I went to a free legal aid for advice and things didn’t seem like they would work out in my favor; I was desperate. Things felt out of my hands, so I chose to put them in the hands of a higher power. I started a Novena to St. Jude asking for his assistance with the matter. I was honestly shaking with anxiousness about the whole thing, but there was nothing more to do but pray.

The day before I flew back, the Property Manager called to let me know that they had found someone else interested in the studio; they would cancel my lease if I returned the keys within 24 hours. I had the terms in writing, so I was set! I would not get my deposit back (security + first month’s rent) but at least I was released from having to pay anything further. I was so relieved! My prayer had been answered even before the Novena was done. I flew back happy and hopeful about the future. I learned so much about myself from that moment, especially noting to plan better on my investments. This was back in October of 2018.

It gets better…

Some time around December of the same year I started another Novena to St. Jude to help me receive a job, and hopefully something that would take me out of living in my parents’ apartment. Within a few days I received a call from a previous employer; they needed me to work a temporary contract with them in St. Louis. I was floored! A job and a relocation! Everything was perfect except for the fact that I didn’t have much money to travel. The company would pay my flight and hotel for a week but I still needed money to be able to rent a room.

A few days after the Novena ended, I received another unexpected call, this time from the property management company back in Las Vegas. They wanted to know when I would be picking up my check. I looked at the phone, bewildered. I asked the woman who called me, “what check”? She told me they were refunding my security deposit and first month’s rent, from the apartment in Las Vegas! Full circle moment! My mind was blown. I asked if they could mail me the check, and they did! PLUS my employer told me they could advance me some money to help me with the relocation. So within a matter of days from starting this particular Novena, I had a new job, a new city to live in, and more money than I needed!

St. Jude has always come through for me, even with health scares. I could go on and on about how much he has done for me.


Here is the Novena I use, along with instructions on how to work with him. A Novena is 9 consecutive days of prayer. You must pray for 9 days, and promise to spread the message of his miracles. You can do this through word of mouth or something like an appreciation post on social media, or even a blog post like I’ve done. And lastly, make a donation to a cause in his name. Any other offerings you feel would be appropriate, go for it. I like to say that an offering is an exchange of energy…nobody likes to work for free! And yes even though high vibrational beings (such as Saints) will help us regardless of whether we make an offering (or promise) or not, if you’re able to, give. This is part of the law of Abundance…give to receive.

I also wrote an e-book about “Working with the Saints to overcome Anxiety, Panic, and Depression”, and I mention St. Jude as one of the Saints I’ve worked with towards healing. You can learn more about working with the Saints here.

Some folks have had issues with me stating that I have “worked with” the Saints or they’ve “worked with” me. Traditionally Saints are seen as an intermediary (within the Catholic church)–they petition on your behalf to God and Jesus. They “intercede” on our behalf. But to each their own…I believe I can ask God and Jesus myself for healing; I don’t need an intermediary. I believe the Saints have special roles and powers, to help us according to their patronage. It’s kind of like visiting a specialist for a particular ailment; you’re petitioning an “expert” of sorts, in their field. So with St. Jude, he is an expert of providing assistance with desperate health and financial concerns. I also like to say “work with” because you can’t just pray and sit back for the miracle. You must take action. You must be an active participant when working towards a goal. I can tell you from my own experience working with St. Jude that he does not play that. He is expecting you to also put in work, besides prayers. Sometimes the answers to our prayers come in the form of ideas or creative solutions. Be open to receive.

Happy Feast Day St. Jude!

Have you ever worked with St. Jude? What miracles has he worked for you?


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