Daily Tarot Reading – 6/26/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Blessed Changes continue, and you may have already received (or will receive) unexpected information or solutions. Please keep in mind that having expectations robs you…

Daily Tarot Reading – 6/25/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Winds of Blessed changes are upon us! These changes will be fast and in alignment with the manifestation of a desire. Keep in mind that…

Daily Tarot Reading – 6/24/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! We have received this card many times over this month, throughout different decks. It's a card of rapid changes and bustling energy. If you follow…

Daily Tarot Reading – 6/23/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! You may be experiencing stronger waves of emotion right now, or are quick to react to circumstances; this energy is temporary and will pass, but…

Daily Tarot Reading – 6/22/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Remember your innocence today. We are all the children of the Divine, and no matter what forms our bodies take or how advanced in "time"…

Daily Tarot Reading – 6/21/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Happy Summer Solstice! We have entered into a new cycle; a new beginning. Between yesterday and today we also welcomed a Solar Eclipse, New Moon,…

Daily Tarot Reading – 6/20/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! This is the moment to spend more time outdoors. Connect with nature and soak in the Sun; let the beauty and bounty of Mother Nature…

Daily Tarot Reading – 6/19/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Today's card is all about that fire energy; solar energy, and forward movement. This weekend opens a powerful gateway which you do not want to…

Daily Tarot Reading – 6/18/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! As we get closer to the upcoming portal that is opening this weekend, bringing together a blessed New Moon, Solar Eclipse, AND Summer Solstice, we…

Daily Tarot Reading – 6/17/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! As we get closer to the upcoming New Moon in Cancer, followed by a Solar Eclipse, and Summer Solstice, we are entering a time of…