Daily Tarot Reading-6/25/2021

Daily Tarot Reading-6/25/2021

Tarot Cards used: Earth Magic Oracle Cards

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Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for June 25th, 2021:

Have you begun to notice the way in which things are leafing from your life? See what I did there? 😉 We tend to believe we are somehow superior to nature; to plant life and animals. This causes us to believe ourselves to be separate from nature and its cycles, but we would be wrong to think this way. We are just as much a part of nature as the trees, animals, bodies of water, the Sun, Moon, etc. We are not excluded from the natural cycles of our collective reality. Just as nature knows when its time to grow and when its time to hibernate, we must also become familiar with our own cycles.

Allow things to fall away and drop off. I am going through the same experience as you, of not being interested in a lot of things that used to be of interest to me. Or I find myself no longer connecting in the same way with friends and family. It’s nothing to be afraid of. We are shedding what is no longer working in our lives, not because they don’t have value anymore but because they are no longer helping us in our own journeys. Don’t be afraid of change; the seasons change, the days change…change is a natural process.

Allow yourself to evolve. Everything you have asked for is over there, by the person you are turning into. You are becoming the person who is meant to live the life you have asked Source for, and Source is fulfilling its promises to you. So yes that could mean jobs being lost, relationships being broken; it could mean temporary discomfort. But you can’t go on the trip to “over there” carrying such heavy loads; you need to make space in order to receive.

You don’t need to actively destroy relationships (not unless you feel called to) or quit your jobs–allow yourself to be guided to what needs to be done. Spirit is showing you the way. This is a time for lightness of being; living with more ease. Today is one to just be; there’s no need to focus on the agendas and goals. The information and resources you need will come.

This is a time for rapid manifestations so continue to raise your vibes. Continue to show up and be aware. Listen for Spirit’s messages. Tune in to your intuition, especially when you feel a nudge–that is Spirit leading the way.

Have a blessed day all!

Have you hit a wall with therapy or life coaching?


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