Daily Tarot Reading-6/26/2021

Daily Tarot Reading-6/26/2021

Tarot Cards used: Earth Magic Oracle Cards

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Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for June 26th, 2021:

As Neptune enters its phase in retrograde we are being asked to take a deep dive into our true selves, since we will have much more clarity than before. The veils of illusions are being lifted so we can take a honest look at ourselves and our lives. This is the time to bring the shadows to light.

Whatever you keep hidden will find a way to manifest itself, and oftentimes it arrives as illness, or negative energy, or worse. Because Neptune is giving us an opportunity for greater clarity and awareness, things will come to the surface for you. This could feel like old guilt or shame coming up; old hurts and memories. Don’t be scared though; all those things have to pass in order to be healed. There’s nothing wrong with you for experiencing these thoughts and emotions from the past; they are aspects you have not fully processed or dealt with.

Be very patient and gentle with yourself; we tend to see ourselves in such a harsh light and hold ourselves up to impossible standards. You are doing the best you can, and you are loved and supported each step of the way. All of this is happening because you are becoming the person you prayed for–that wealthy, successful, healthy, joyful person you want to be. This process will not be rushed so there’s no need to hurry things along; take your time with yourself. Get to learn about yourself again. Who are you, without those old stories and pains? Give yourself a chance to find out.

As you and your world expand to greater heights, you may feel a little apprehensive about the changes. This is why it’s so important to take things slow and steady; give your body, heart, mind, and soul a moment to catch up. You might begin to feel a little anxious or even overwhelmed by the blessings coming your way; just remember that when you win and succeed, so do your loved ones. You are reaching for the stars and inspiring others to do the same.

Pick and choose your “battles” today–you may be tempted to engage in circumstances that have no value for you. Remember that whatever conflict is going on inside of you will be reflected in your outer world. Take a moment to relax, get grounded, and clear your calendar; take a vacation if possible. You’ll return to being a creative force once you’ve had a chance to settle in. Believe in yourself because you are doing amazingly, and have come so far! You are truly needed in this world.

Have a blessed day all!

Have you hit a wall with therapy or life coaching?


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