May 20 to May 26, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

Welcome to the start of a new week and season (Gemini)! Last week’s heavy mental energy was allowing us to purge outdated thoughts and patterns, and open up to new possibilities in order to welcome Gemini season. This astrological season will help us complete any projects (or lessons) started in this quarter.

Think back to the start of April–what has popped up in your life since then? What has been the prominent theme? Or what’s been on your mind the most? This is your focus this quarter and it is what must be completed or worked through, in order to get to the next step, next quarter.

Gemini is an air sign and as such is all about mental pursuits that catch your attention–that pique your interest. You might find yourself wanting to learn something new, take up a new hobby, explore more esoteric topics, or even be inspired to start a new business or career path. Notice where Gemini falls in your chart to see which areas of your life will be the most affected.

New insights or information are coming to us at the beginning of this week–something which will affect the outcome of this project or circumstance you’ve been focused on. However this news presents itself to you, don’t assume anything or jump to any conclusions. Always strive towards making an informed decision. Spirit advises you to avoid making hasty decisions you may soon come to regret. Better to pause and wait until you have a better assessment of the situation.

Don’t quit before the miracle!

Is the advice I channeled for the 2024 Guide for this month. Many of you have been feeling stuck with a problem you don’t see your way out of. As much as you’ve tried to push through this obstacle, you feel like you haven’t had any breakthroughs. Give your mind and body a break towards the middle of the week, as we get closer to the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd. You’re not going to get the answers you want or need by trying to bang your head against the wall in front of you. Allow the energy of Gemini season to reveal itself to you–the answers you seek will appear once you stop the struggle. Take a break!

Gemini, much like her Sagittarius sister, are very spiritual signs.

They could easily represent spiritual/religious leaders. Spirit tells me that this season you may be more inclined to turn to the spiritual for guidance and solutions. Be careful with totally committing yourself to following one person’s ideology. Both these signs are famous (and infamous) for producing cult leaders. Spirit warns you to always check-in with your intuition and inner guidance before drinking the Kool-Aid. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to belong to a community, just be sure not to compromise on your own ideals just to be down.


Some of you may want to explore more spiritual paths dedicated to the Divine Feminine–possibly looking into some of the lost history of the Matriarchy. If this is you but you’ve been kind of afraid to step out of what you are familiar with, just know this exploration is part of your purpose and may lead to more inner fulfillment.


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