Welcome to your Dark Feminine Era

Empowering silhouette of a woman emerging from darkness, symbolizing the rise of the dark feminine energy

Everyone has feminine and masculine energies within them, and each has a spectrum of traits. We are used to seeing the archetype of the feminine as the nurturing mother; quiet, receptive, gentle. This is part of the toxic conditioning we’ve become accustomed to. Lots of folks have been conditioned to believe the “Dark Feminine” aspect is “evil” but actually this is one of the biggest lies. This has been the toxic masculine’s way of preventing women and other marginalized folks from stepping into their power–the power of creation.

What are some traits of the Dark Feminine?

  • Asking for what you want and being open to receive it.
  • Putting yourself first.
  • Being the dominant one in a relationship.
  • Being the “black sheep” in the family; going against the grain.
  • Challenging authority and the “status quo”.

The list goes on, and as with every aspect there’s a light spectrum and a shadow spectrum–even the dark feminine can have toxic traits, but at her best she is the root of all creation.

Everything is created in the dark–the dark of space, the dark of the womb, the dark of the soil. Creation manifests in the dark before appearing to the light. So this era you’re entering into is a very powerful time for you. This is the era where you get more of what you want, with greater ease.

This is what some would call your “villain era” but that’s another lie. This isn’t about you doing harm, this is about you speaking up for yourself. This is about demanding respect. This is about defending yourself and those you care about. This era is about you manifesting your desires.

Whatever challenge you’re going through in your life, channel its energy and alchemize it. Channel that rage and let it give you clarity to know what you want less of and want more of. Channel that heaviness to finally have the courage to remove the burdens in your life, especially those people who only take from you; who only use you.

Reclaim your power!


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