May 27 to June 2, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

Life hasn’t been easy lately for you. There may have been moments of ease and even happiness, but possibly not often enough. The word I’m sensing is “disappointment”. Though things aren’t exactly where you want them to be, all is not lost. There’s still hope that your situation will improve.

Many of you have gone against the grain; you may be the “outsider” of the family, but what you’re doing is building a lasting legacy for generations to come. You are breaking free of some of the familial patterns that have kept you stuck, but it’s challenging and there have been moments of isolation. Spirit assures you that you have every reason to look forward to better days ahead. Keep an attitude of gratitude and remember the current blessings in your life. Things will get better!

The path forward may require some compromise on your part. You may want certain experiences to be present for you but the energy of the week suggests that you consider alternate options; possibly this is not the time to get everything you want. Trust that your needs will be met. Also trust that you may be on a “detour” towards something better. For some of you, something you wanted didn’t work out the way you expected. Maybe you didn’t fully get your way, but things have worked out for the best, for all parties involved. Again, let gratitude be your guide–something much better is on the horizon.

Towards the middle of the week the path forward may become clearer. You might begin to want to make plans for the future, or circumstances might present themselves where you may need to be more future-focused. This is a great time to make long-term plans, but remember to keep these plans to yourself while they are still being formed.


You may be tempted to share your goals or ideas with someone this weekend, especially since we’re in chatty Gemini season, but the current energy is one that calls for stealth. There’s a certain mysteriousness in the air as we receive the Divine guidance we need to help us on our journey. Some of you may even receive wonderful news or an opportunity of some sort that will be beyond your expectations–keep this to yourself for now. Work in secret until things become more solidified.

Some of you may be presented with an offer to relocate or receive a promotion (or even a new job). Don’t share the good news until you have all the contracts signed, sealed, and delivered.


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