Tarot and Energy Forecast-January 16 to January 22, 2023

Tarot and Energy Forecast
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Supreme Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy for this week:

Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: Harvest Moon

It’s my birthday week (January 16th)! Help me celebrate by downloading your copy of the 2023 Guide, following me on TikTok and YouTube, and subscribing to my newsletter (if you haven’t already). Thank you for your support!

This is definitely an “Alien Superstar” kind of week…besides my solar return we have a New Moon ushering in Aquarius season on the 21st, and Lunar New Year on the 22nd! This is a moment to receive the fruits of our labor and sit in gratitude, seeing how far we’ve come. This is a moment to step in your power as we collectively begin to build new foundations.

Mars has stationed direct, and Mercury will also go direct on the 18th; messages and opportunities will continue to pour forth as the energy moves forward. Brush off those old issues that have no bearing in the here and now; if it’s not something you want in your life, then release it now. The retrogrades have given us a chance to review what’s for us or not, and now we can move forward with greater assurance. But for now, flourish in your glow-up!

Beginning of the Week:

Mama Moon’s playful energy starts from now, reminding us that we don’t need to know all the details. She reminds us to trust in the powers that be; trust in God, Source, Universe, etc to take care of the needs you cannot take care of yourself. Opportunities and new beginnings are imminent; trust the process. This message especially applies if you’ve been feeling kind of stuck in place and like nothing has changed. Believe.

This is a full-circle moment for you. You’ve ended a cycle and soon will embark on a new journey, but for now take care of the priorities you’ve put off. Allow your mind to focus on what’s in front of you, versus on what’s next. There may be details or information that you’ve overlooked, and need to pay attention to. As well, there may be tasks, errands, or chores you’ve been putting off; get to it! You’ll want to take care of those pesky tasks while the energy is still at a pace we can deal with, because once Uranus goes direct (towards the end of this month), we’ll be going full-speed ahead for the next few months.

Spirit’s got you covered.

Middle of the Week:

Take a moment to check-in with yourself; sit with Spirit in a meditative or contemplative way, to clarify some things for you. There may be things you are currently confused about or unclear on, and taking a moment to reflect can help to give you the guidance you need.

There will be information or ideas coming in for you over the next few days that can help you move forward confidently. This especially applies if you’re uneasy about making a certain decision. Possibly for some of you a wonderful opportunity will come up this week that you’re not 100% confident on; sit on this for a bit until you receive the needed flash of insight.

Some of you may be receiving a new job or opportunity this week that seems too good to be true, or maybe you don’t feel quite ready for. Don’t rush this process; take a moment to sit with Spirit on what the next best step to take is. Sometimes we just need a moment for our bodies and brains to come together, in order to fully understand a situation. You will see things from a better perspective once you take a pause to review your options.

If you feel really insecure about a certain opportunity or circumstance, how can you make it work for you? What would you need in order to move forward with this? Think it over with Spirit to create a plan that is mutually beneficial.

End of the Week:

Mama Moon has some special wishes she wants to fulfill for us as we celebrate the entry of a New Moon and Lunar New Year. There will be a wonderful blessing making its way to us; something we’ve been wanting for so long! Negative energies and enemies will be released at this time, giving us a special opportunity to receive a long-awaited desire. In other words, nothing is standing in our way.

If you have been wanting to conceive, this weekend will be perfect to try! Ask Mama Moon to grant you the blessing of a child.

Tell Mama Moon your wishes and she’ll pick one she thinks you need the most right now, to grant. And thank her! Thank her for her infinite love and generosity.

Happy Lunar New Year everyone!

The 2023 guide you need in your life!

I channeled that 2023 is going to be a year of blessed transformations; think of the rapid fire changes that took place in the ‘5’ year that was 2021, merged with the spiritual wisdom that the number ‘7’ has to offer us (2023 is a ‘7’ year in Numerology).

There will be many changes throughout 2023, which at times could leave you feeling confused, ungrounded, or caught in the eye of the storm.

Many of these changes will take place within your relationships; lovers, family, friends, community.

So how do we navigate it all?


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