Tarot and Energy Forecast-January 23 to January 29, 2023

Tarot and Energy Forecast
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Supreme Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy for this week:

Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: on to the next

And so it begins–a new journey to embark on. We will be out of retrograde season this week, and will be retrograde-free for the next few months; how will you ride this current? Will you flow with it or against it?

This week presents us with opportunities to move on and forward from whatever cycles we’ve recently concluded; where are you heading? Maybe you’re not sure yet and that’s OK, but please do yourself a favor and check-in with your intuition for guidance–Spirit it always speaking to us. Allow yourself the chance to focus on something new; releasing what is no longer working.

I can see many of you going on a trip of some kind of being offered an opportunity to relocate, or maybe even contemplating a solo pilgrimage somewhere; go to where your soul is calling you. The energy right now is very sweet and helpful; ride this wave towards your next chapter.

Beginning of the Week:

There will be reasons to celebrate and rejoice this week, especially if you’re coming out of a period of dark nights of the soul. Your prayers have been heard and are being answered. Your faith and strength are being rewarded. Now that the energy is more forward moving, the physical manifestations of your desires are on the way.

For many, there are much-needed funds on the way, or news of a reward or income-opportunity. The doors are open right now for more financial success. This financial boon may also be something you’ve been waiting on (like an owed payment); whatever the case, use some of this money to have fun! Invest some of it on something that brings you joy, and pleasure. As well, don’t forget to pay it forward. Give back through charitable works to remain in the flow of abundance. Some of you may owe money to friends or family; pay those debts off first.

A wish has been granted; give thanks!

Middle of the Week:

Now that Uranus has stationed direct, there will be many unexpected surprises making their way to us; for some these surprises will improve our circumstances, and for others these shifts may leave us feeling challenged. The way these surprises affect you really depends on the work you’ve put in; we will all be reaping what we’ve sown. No matter what way this energy shows up in our life, it is all for our best and highest good.

If you’ve been consistent in your personal growth journey; you’ve put in the work Spirit set before you, cleared the physical, emotional, and mental clutter, then you will be reaping a harvest from the seeds you’ve planted. Gifts will make their way to you in the forms of answered prayers; abundance, celebration, and joy. You can confidently celebrate your accomplishments. For some of you, these surprises could be engagements, a new home, or even pregnancy announcements–this will be in the form of an upgrade to your life and lifestyle.

If you have not done the “work”; you know deep down you haven’t been consistent. You haven’t been listening to Spirit or taking their guidance. You’ve felt too scared to make changes in your life–take heart. Whatever comes up for you this week will challenge you, but all for the purpose of helping you grow. Change is inevitable after all, and something that we cannot deny. If this is your group, you may hit a snag with your finances. Possibly you received a windfall but also an unexpected debt; there’s something you haven’t completed or taken care of, and it’s coming back to be addressed. You might already know what that “something” is.

If you are in the group that’s hit a roadblock this week, the first thing you want to do is hold yourself accountable. Rather than play the victim role, own up to your “mistakes”; where did you go “wrong” or “fail” to pay attention? This will help to shift your perspective on your circumstances. You have the power to overcome this challenge, once the lesson is learned. Doing so will only empower you to reach that next phase.

End of the Week:

This year is very powerful for receiving the fruits of our labor, so if you haven’t planted your seeds, don’t expect a harvest. We all reap what we’ve sown and this year you will either reap or have to plant in a way you haven’t done before. By the way, don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t done the “work”; every situation is an opportunity to learn, and that is what you will be doing this year.

For those who have planted your seeds, you will continue to receive returns this week. You can rest assured that nothing else needs to be done on your part, other than to be grateful. You know who you are.

If this is your year of planting, know that you have the strength within you to get it done. Yes you will have to put in work, but it will be worth it. This message applies to you if you are feeling stagnant, stuck, and like nothing has changed. And especially if you’ve hit a roadblock this week. If this applies to you, ask Spirit for guidance on the next step; pay attention to the messages they send your way. The time has come to really make some impactful changes to your life, and you have the power to get it done.

The 2023 guide you need in your life!

I channeled that 2023 is going to be a year of blessed transformations; think of the rapid fire changes that took place in the ‘5’ year that was 2021, merged with the spiritual wisdom that the number ‘7’ has to offer us (2023 is a ‘7’ year in Numerology).

There will be many changes throughout 2023, which at times could leave you feeling confused, ungrounded, or caught in the eye of the storm.

Many of these changes will take place within your relationships; lovers, family, friends, community.

So how do we navigate it all?


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