Tarot and Energy Forecast-June 12 to June 18, 2023

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Rich Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy for this week:

Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: harmonious reordering

I pray you’re all doing well. Here in the North Eastern United States we got hit with thick smoke from the wildfires raging in Canada. If things like this don’t inspire you to learn more about climate change and our shared responsibility to Mama Earth, I’m not sure what will. We all have to do our part and this is what we are being taught this week, especially as Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn. Our karma will be a major theme over the next few months, and soon we will each see what we’ve sown based on what we reap.

There’s a shift taking place in our lives, to clean up the areas that we’ve overlooked. For many this reordering will take place with our relationships; all types–familial, platonic, romantic, business, etc…the areas that are not stable will become visible, so you can decide how to get things in order. However these shifts manifest for you will be for your greater good; they are taking place to help you find your footing. To help you feel more centered and empowered.

Take a moment this week to celebrate how far you’ve come and what you have learned so far about the relationships in your life.

Beginning of the Week:

Pluto loves to reveal secrets (she’s such a gossip!) and soon we will find out some news about certain people in our lives which may impact the relationship. This “relationship” could also be our connection to our external structures; religions, governments, corporations. Potentially we will learn some unsavory news which will have us questioning whether or not we will continue to support this connection, or cut it off completely. Or maybe there’s room for middle ground? Only time will tell.

Some of you may finally receive the confirmation you need to take the necessary steps to cut someone out of your life. You’ve had it and now that person has gone too far, or you now see their true colors. You choose your next path, whether to cut them loose, give them another chance, or take some more time to consider your options. Whichever path you choose will have a significant impact on your future.

Middle of the Week:

New options and opportunities for our home and work lives will be presented to us this week. Financially things will be stable and there may even be more to spread around. With respect to relationships, you may be considering other options.

Some of you are currently single or may decide to become single, and are looking for the next thing to jump into but Spirit advises you to take your time before getting into another relationship. Allow the next path to be revealed.

Some of you may decide to quit on a work or business partnership, and fly solo for this project. Possibly you prefer to work alone or the other person isn’t pulling their weight. This is for the best; you’ll be better off on your own.

Some of you may be considering purchasing a new home, or renovating; do it for greater inner harmony.

If you receive a windfall of money this week, consider your long-term goals and options. Some of you will finally be able to afford a new home or move.

End of the Week:

The upcoming New Moon in Gemini will open a portal towards the next step; the step you’ve been waiting on or working towards. You’ve been waiting for the greenlight or confirmation, and Mama Moon will reveal the plan to you this weekend.

This is a time of moving on; from outdated energies, relationships, and circumstances. There’s not much for you to “do” other than observe and take a step back from pursuing a specific outcome. When the way is revealed to you, then you take the next step because it will feel right. Connect with the Lunar energy this weekend, especially by paying attention to your dreams. Intuitive insights are possible at this time.

Some of you will be moving or pondering a move this week. You may even receive the opportunity to relocate. This is an answered prayer; go for it because you have nothing to fear! Everything is aligning for you. Take some time to rest and recharge this weekend.

The 2023 guide you need in your life!

I channeled that 2023 is going to be a year of blessed transformations; think of the rapid fire changes that took place in the ‘5’ year that was 2021, merged with the spiritual wisdom that the number ‘7’ has to offer us (2023 is a ‘7’ year in Numerology).

There will be many changes throughout 2023, which at times could leave you feeling confused, ungrounded, or caught in the eye of the storm.

Many of these changes will take place within your relationships; lovers, family, friends, community.

So how do we navigate it all?


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