Tarot and Energy Forecast-June 5 to June 11, 2023

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Rich Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy for this week:

Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: budding creativity

The energy is much more vibrant and optimistic this week! Spirit wants us to continue to look and move forward with great enthusiasm because wonderful things are here for us. Good news and opportunities continue to cross paths with us.

There is a rising confidence within us all which may, for many, manifest as creative energy; inspiration and vitality to keep projects moving forward, and possibly even completing them. Solutions and sparks may be possible; for some this may be a “million dollar idea”. Whatever the case, there’s new life here.

Spirit wants some of you to know that if you thought something was lost or taken from you, it will be restored and in a much better way. For some of you this message is related to your health or your finances. By the way, make sure not to use all your energy up in one day–spread it out because there will be plenty to use it on.

Beginning of the Week:

AHA! A light at the end of the tunnel, or a solution you had not considered before will be making its way to you. This is pertaining to a challenge you have been dealing with for a while now–things are moving forward to conclude this chapter. Help is here for you if you are willing to take it.

Some of you will be receiving insights into long-standing financial concerns. Possibly you will receive new ideas or opportunities to increase your income–the lean times will be done soon BUT you still have to make better choices with your money. If this message applies to you then Spirit wants you to balance your relationship with money. Treat yourself and your money with greater respect, and reverence.

Some of you are struggling with a relationship conflict, and finally this week things will be cleared up for you. The question is, do you want this relationship to continue? If so, changes must be made. You’ll gain clarity into what to do next.

Middle of the Week:

Your intuition is heightened and has been nudging you for a bit now, to make some important changes. These changes are the answers to your prayers–the solutions to your current challenges. There’s something you’ve been considering but have been afraid to move forward with, almost like you’re afraid to “rock the boat”. But if you don’t make these changes, things will stay the same and you’ll continue to deal with this conflict. Take your intuition’s advice–this is Spirit speaking to you.

You are being guided to a higher outcome; towards victory! Trust yourself more. You don’t need to figure it all out on your own either. You can also tune in to listen to the words Spirit has for you. If you are up for it, you may also benefit from seeking the guidance of a Psychic or Medium, who can help to reveal the path Spirit has laid out for you.

Pay attention to your dreams for clues on how to unblock your energy, in order to clear whatever this current block is. There’s an easier way to deal with this challenge, and Spirit is showing you the way.

End of the Week:

The light and optimism of the week is helping us continue to clear energetic clutter which has been keeping us stuck. For many this “clutter” is related to attachments which you have let go of. Congratulations! This is a time to celebrate your accomplishments. You have come a long way my friend.

Be proud of the solid foundations you’ve built for yourself. There’s no one who can destroy what you have built with faith and love. You have triumphed over evil–over your inner darkness and over the darkness outside of you; energies wanting to keep you in conflict.

Some of you may have been dealing with a tough situation with an employer–maybe your boss? This is a person who is in a position of authority and has been trying you. Know that this person’s schemes will not succeed. You will indeed overcome.

If anyone comes to try and rain on your parade this weekend, trust that they cannot steal your joy. In fact, avoid people like that altogether. You no longer need to entertain these vampires.

The 2023 guide you need in your life!

I channeled that 2023 is going to be a year of blessed transformations; think of the rapid fire changes that took place in the ‘5’ year that was 2021, merged with the spiritual wisdom that the number ‘7’ has to offer us (2023 is a ‘7’ year in Numerology).

There will be many changes throughout 2023, which at times could leave you feeling confused, ungrounded, or caught in the eye of the storm.

Many of these changes will take place within your relationships; lovers, family, friends, community.

So how do we navigate it all?


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