Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast – August 2 to August 8, 2021

Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family; happy August! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for August 2nd through August 8th, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

I will be posting a daily card on TikTokFacebook, and Twitter, so find me on there and get a reminder of the energy for the day.

The overall energy this week:

The transformations continue; give yourself space and permission to learn, grow, heal; to experience everything that life has to offer, without judgement or attachment. Not everything that happens in your life is personal; don’t take everything as a personal affront or disrespect. Be very gentle with yourself and others. We are all shedding the old skin, and so our new skin, or ‘identity’, is very sensitive; it is adapting to this new environment, and way of being.

Change is the only guarantee that life offers, so don’t be angry at life when it takes you in another direction; this is the will of the Universe (God, Source, etc) right now. We are shifting personally and globally; Rome wasn’t built in a day, as they say, and so neither will your empire be built overnight. Take your time with your personal process. As well, everyone’s process is different, so don’t expect others to be completely understanding of what you are going through. Instead, connect with those who may be on a similar or parallel journey, if you feel you need to share what you are experiencing. Just continue to allow people to meet you where they can, not where you want them to be.

Your perception of what is “happening” to you, and around you, is the focus of the week. Everything can be spun for our benefit, or for our demise, so be careful about which words you use to describe your circumstances this week. How can you turn the stories into something that works for you? Can you zoom out for a bit to see the blessings?

While the energy is forward moving this week, that doesn’t mean race to the finish line; continue to take things slow and steady, as is the theme for 2021. A powerful Lion’s Gate is opening for us on 8/8, with the New Moon in Leo, which will ask us (and for many, show us) in which direction Spirit is leading us in. Many of us will be asked to head into a new direction, and many others will be transported there. Either way, it’s all a blessing.

Monday, August 2nd

We’re starting out the week on a clean slate. What kind of energy do you want to project and/or receive more of? You have the power to choose how to receive everything this week. There is a sweetness in the air, asking you to be more open to love in all forms; more loving experiences, more loving occurrences, more loving people, and so on. Let life love you; open yourself to love life more. Shift your perspective on everything.

What is your biggest problem/burden right now? Take a moment today to analyze how it is serving you, and if it is a pattern you have experienced before, how has it served you before? And is there any way to give this burden a sweeter makeover? Can you see the sweetness between the lines? This is what will help you heal from/overcome this challenge.

Tuesday, August 3rd

There is great freedom in being authentically you; loving and accepting yourself as you are now. Loving and accepting life as it is now. There is great peace in living in your truth; this is what we are all working towards now–who are we now? What do we really want now? How do we connect with others where we are now? Continue to let go of and release the old stories and identities, to make room for who you are now and where you are now. It’s OK that you are not the same person you were before; none of us are. We are all being shepherded towards brilliant changes.

Just as you are being more honest with the world about who you are now, don’t be afraid to continue being honest with yourself. Continue to ask yourself those deep questions about what works/doesn’t work for you. Continue to question yourself, intentions, and motives–be completely transparent with yourself in all areas of your life. This is also a reminder to pause and take your time with making decisions; say yes or no from a place of authenticity, not because you feel you “should”. Let those woulda, coulda, shouldas go.

Your power lies in your inner truth.

Wednesday, August 4th

Forgiveness can feel so hard to attain, but it is necessary to get you where you want to go. Wherever you feel “stuck” in life, is due to unforgiveness; whether of others or of yourself. Think of forgiveness as something vital to move forward; to get life back in motion. Let this be about your healing, rather than seeing it as giving someone a “pass” for what they did. You need closure, and sometimes you have to give it to yourself if another doesn’t or can’t give it to you.

Your task today is to open your heart chakra, which holds unforgiveness, guilt, and resentment. Try a free meditation on Youtube; you can also check out this energy healing exercise I created, to help the energies move more freely within you. This is all to help unblock you and your success; don’t skip this part of your process because otherwise it will come up later, and even stronger. The longer you ignore a blockage, the bigger it grows. Give yourself permission to let these heavy burdens pass.

If you have no idea who or what to forgive, do a heart chakra clearing anyway; you may be surprised at what comes up for you. Releasing blocked energy now will greatly help you receive the blessed energies from Sunday’s Lion’s Gate portal, to propel your plans and projects forward.

Thursday, August 5th

You are stepping into your power; the more you can accept and receive your new way of being, the more evidence of your power you will witness externally. For many of you, you will receive news or an opportunity of leadership, possibly a promotion or new job. For many others this could be you stepping into the role of being the “boss” of your own business. The roads are open to you and there are many possibilities available! The question to ask yourself is what do I want for my life? Rather than make a choice on short-term gains, envision yourself long-term–let’s say ten years out. You don’t need to be specific with the details, but what is the overall vision for your life? Actually sit and see it in your mind’s eye. What kind of work will you be doing? What kind of relationships will you have?

Creating a vision board can greatly help you hold that vision in your mind and in your life, to help you bring it to form. There’s no need to force anything to happen, or to fixate on how things will come to fruition. Always be open to the form your manifestations take. This is a time of powerful creation for yourself–you can choose how you want to experience this life. Ask Spirit for guidance if you don’t have a vision of your future self yet. Sit in contemplation or meditation, and see what Divine downloads you receive.

Friday, August 6th

Sometimes when we step into our power it can scare the heck out of us; we may feel intimated or just not ready. But you are exactly where you are meant to be. Spirit would not have given you this role, or opportunity, if you weren’t ready for it. “Ready” doesn’t mean you won’t feel some hesitation or fear, but instead that you are choosing courage to move forward, despite whatever comes up to hold you back.

You have the knowledge, wisdom, and skills to be in a position of authority, internally and externally. You are so loved and supported by Spirit, so if you are feeling overwhelmed in this new role, just ask for help. When you are afraid it is because you have chosen to believe your fears over your faith, so the alignment task for today is to connect with Spirit. Ask Spirit to show you signs and confirm to you that you are where you are meant to be. Also connect so they can take away your fears and give you the strength to keep going.

Try grounding yourself today in Mama Earth; get out of your head and into your body if you find yourself in a mental storm. Connecting with nature will always be healing and soothing. As well, you can work on unblocking your lower chakras, to give you the confidence you need to keep going on this path. Fear might feel real, but it is not. Do not allow your mind to tell you or your body how you should be feeling. In fact, try channeling the fear into something creative; create an outlet for that fear to be expressed. Doing something with your body, like exercising or dancing, is another way to transform fear. I read somewhere that emotions are energies in motion, so if you want to change how you feel, get moving!

Saturday, August 7th

Today’s card symbolizes a ‘graduation’ of sorts; successfully integrating everything you’ve gone through and learned this year into something beautiful. I hope you can see how everything you’ve experienced these past months has been a beautiful transformation; everything has served a purpose. If you can’t see this yet, pray for a shift in your perspective. You have gone through a journey which needs to be honored.

You’ve gained your wings and now you can fly, and soar to new heights. But first you gotta learn how to fly. You’ve never been at this stage before, so continue on your gentle path of discovering this new version of yourself. For now be OK with basking in the Sun and becoming aware of your surroundings. You have new senses now, and must develop them in the world around you.

Spend time outdoors today, if you can, and gather up as much Solar energy as you can. What we do in the summer is gather the energy to store for the coming months of less light; the Fall and then Winter. We gather what we can now and then we will continue to reap our harvests, as we then prepare for the restoration Winter has for us.

Your path is also changing; could be your job, business, projects, goals, etc…everything is shifting. What you thought you wanted may no longer be of interest to you. Be patient with yourself at this new level of being; again, take it slow and steady. Let the Universe do the heavy lifting.

Sunday, August 8th

This New Moon in Leo/Lion’s Gate portal is like a magical wildcard. Be open to the Divine downloads received, in whatever form they take. For many of you this could mean receiving a profound healing; letting go of trapped emotions. Letting go of trauma. What comes up for you today, treat it like I mentioned in Monday’s energy; just allow it to come and go, without judgement. You don’t need to engage every thought and emotion that comes up. Whatever is here for you today, let it pass. Passing it through is healing.

Many of you will experience profound revelations about your paths. Don’t be surprised if some course-correction comes up for you. Sometimes the best laid plans are not in our best interest; allow Spirit to direct you towards a better possibility. If something is no longer available to you, don’t try to make it happen; it could just be that it’s not the right time. Your best course of action is to Flow, just like water.

I can sense many of you will be releasing trauma from your bodies. All this healing work and shedding you’ve done has brought you to this place of a kind of Baptism; a Holy cleansing of the past. Moving forward will be much easier for you because you are ‘lighter’ now; you’ve released the baggage which was weighing you down. That’s not to say the work is completely done; as long as you are living you will always have something new to learn about yourself, and about life–this is the adventure we signed up for! Never stop learning, and growing.

Have Faith and Hope because you are moving in the best direction. As always, if you have any concerns or confusion, connect with Spirit for clarification.

What do you think of this week’s reading?

This week’s deck: The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards


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