Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-November 15 to November 21, 2021

Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-November 15 to November 21, 2021

Hello my Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for November 15 through November 21, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

This week will be powerful for manifestation as we will be graced by a Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on the 19th. Full Moons are generally known for completion of a cycle–when something has reached its fullness of being. And Eclipses are seen by many as having a kind of “chaotic” energy, but I like to them of them as wildcards. This powerful lunation will be in the sign of Taurus, so the energy could be causing shifts within our relationships and home lives.

If you are into rituals and/or spell work, then this week would be wonderful for it. Protection work will be potent, and though many would not consider a time of eclipses for manifestation work, this one will be wonderful for it. Now, the thing is that you will not control the outcome of your ritual work–you can’t determine to what degree your manifestations will arrive or how fast, but this Taurus Moon will be bringing things about in spectacular ways. If you feel uncertain about ritual or spell work this week, then follow your gut first, and always.

Thankfully this week’s Full Moon/Eclipse is ending a long chapter of conflict and struggle, in particular with our relationships or homes. We will overcome and will be victorious. The blessed winds of change are blowing away all those old hurts and traumas–this is a time for new beginnings! Your challenge has reached its peak and now it’s time for a new start. Just like Mama Moon, continue to go with the flow and remember that everything is temporary, and always shifting. There’s no need for much action this week–it is more about being open to receive the blessed energy here for us now.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Monday, November 15:

This week we start off with blessed and new energy blowing into all of our relationships. Today is wonderful for reconciliations and forgiveness, as well as new love.

If there’s someone you’ve been estranged from but you miss, and have been thinking about them, reach out. Make the first move. Open the channels for communication. Don’t have any expectations about how the conversation will go; just check-in. As well, check in on your loved ones–who haven’t you heard from in a while? Sometimes it’s just nice to know someone is thinking of you.

Some of you may be at odds with your current romantic partners–let bygones be bygones. Focus on what’s wonderful about the relationship, and don’t worry so much about the stuff that’s not “perfect”–don’t sweat the small stuff. Consider what’s most important here and now.

Many of you will be meeting a new love interest this week. A worthy mate and companion will be entering your life before the end of this year. This person is one who helps you feel secure and loved. You may have already met them–you’ll recognize them as your match by how you feel around them, and how they feel around you.

The action for today is to be open to love in all forms, and continue to be optimistic about love. You have every reason to believe that you are worthy of a great love story, and you will have it. If you’ve been feeling kind of “bored” in your current relationship, consider planning a trip somewhere sunny and bright.

Tuesday, November 16:

The message of love continues today, and is not limited to just romance. You will continue to meet worthy and faithful partners in all areas of your life. For many of you this will be romantic and for others this will be for work, school, or business. Loyal and influential people will be entering into your life soon, if they haven’t already.

Many of you have already done an excellent job of shedding old and outdated relationships–letting go of people who are no longer good for you. Because you’ve made the space for new people now there is opportunity for them to enter into your life. You are cultivating your own community.

You’ll recognize these people by how you feel around them–serene and peaceful; calm. They make your life easier; they offer their services and/or guidance. For some these people may even serve as mentors. Continue to be open to receive them.

The action for today is to be open to the harmony unfolding within and all around you. Some of you have been used to dramatic people being in your lives for so long that you may not recognize peace at first, when you experience it. Your initial reaction may be to mistrust or to start some drama–you can let go of these patterns now. It is safe for you to do so–the storm is over and you can enjoy this time of rainbows, and sunshine. You have shifted in beautiful ways and are no longer that person who became accustomed to the chaos.

Wednesday, November 17:

You are continuing to reclaim your power, especially if you felt it was hijacked by another. Many of you are coming out of toxic relationships–romantic, familial, and platonic–these people were draining your energy; they took more than they gave. As a result, your reserves have been depleted. You are now in the healing and recovery phase.

Take things slow and steady–allow yourself to receive newer and stronger bonds. There’s not much more to do other than continuing to make your health and well-being a priority. If anyone continues to drain you, slowly separate yourself from them. You are in charge of your time and energy–no one else is.

Many of you are coming out of a dark period, which could have been caused by negative energy sent your way. Someone may have sent evil eye energy your way, or hexes/jinxes–actively trying to keep you stuck in a negative cycle. But you have triumphed over evil. You’ve done your protective work and so this energy is no longer influencing you. Just like this week’s Full Moon, that energy has reached its completion. It wasn’t a fun or easy ride, but you made it to the end–brighter days are here!

The action for today is to continue to reclaim your power–take back your time and energy from those leeches in your life. Assert yourself and set boundaries when needed. You are empowered by Spirit! Some of you may have cut ties with people who you once considered to be in your inner circle–this “loss” may feel sad or challenging, but notice how much lighter your energy feels now. Rejection is God’s protection.

Thursday, November 18:

We are continuing to meet those people who belong in this level of our lives–new and fresh energies. Trustworthy and loving folks who will support our dreams.

New people will continue to flock to you, to help you with your mission, or to complete a project. You may even soon be called to a position of leadership, where you will serve as a mentor. If you’ve been considering asking for a promotion, now may be the time to have a chat with your supervisor.

If you are currently unemployed and seeking a job, consider reaching out to previous supervisors or anyone in your network you may have previously worked with in any capacity. There’s someone in your network who can help you–don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and ask for assistance.

The action for today is to be open to expanding your network, especially professionally. Join a platform such as LinkedIn, or if you already have an account, update your profile. This is a wonderful time of expansion in your relationships, which will benefit you in the long-run.

Friday, November 19:

Today there is a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, asking us to be open to expansion in all of our relationships. Allow your cup to be filled with more fulfilling connections.

At this new stage of being (because you are not the person you were before) you need new people–ones who will support you on your journey; true friends and/or lovers, and now is the time to receive them.

Today is the most potent for ritual and/or spellwork, if you’re up for it. I’ll be placing my most powerful manifestation crystals by the window, to catch some of that lunar energy. If you don’t feel confident working with eclipse energy, then I would not recommend you try this (unless you have adventurous, Aquarian energy like myself).

The power to manifest your desires is in your hands. You can try all the manifestation work you want but what really counts is what you do with your hands–what you build or create. Mama Moon is letting you know that you have what it takes to make use of the energies and resources around you. Tap into your inner magician and create!

But also know that the Universe (Source, God, etc) has some wonderful surprises in store for you! Manifestation work is not all up to you (what a relief!). Yes continue to show up and do what you can, but also leave room for Spirit to surprise you.

The action for today is strategy–you don’t need to take action yet (unless you feel inspired to) but at least consider what you can begin to work on, to create what you want. Contemplate with Mama Moon and let her illuminate your path. As well, today will be filled with magical possibilities–be open to them! As well, if you have creative projects that have been put on hold, now may be the time to get them completed.

For some of you tonight and this weekend will serve to unlock a special level in your spirituality–possibly a powerful new unfolding of your gifts. This will be the answer to your prayers!

Saturday, November 20:

Spirit wants you to know that any money blocks have been removed. There may have been some obstacles on your path with respect to money or gaining employment but the road is open to you once again.

Some money which was previously blocked will now be on its way to you–for many of you this money is expected income from some kind of government assistance, or even a legal settlement/inheritance. You’ve been waiting on this money for a while, and now it will make its way to you.

Consider using any windfall of abundance that heads your way, to re-invest in your home. If you’ve been wanting to buy a home, consider saving towards the purchase. Any extra bit can also be used to re-decorate or repair your current home–point is, turn it into the sanctuary space it is meant to be.

Some of you may be receiving unexpected or surprise money–give thanks for it and either save it or use it to continue to build wealth for you; possibly investing it.

The action for today is to be grateful for how far you’ve come. Enjoy this time of triumph for you–go out and celebrate your wins in whatever way you can today.

Sunday, November 21:

Many of you have million-dollar ideas sitting in the corners of your mind, but you’ve been hesitant to go for it for many different reasons. Spirit wants you to know that these ideas will be successful, but only if you give them form. For many of you this may be a greenlight to start that business.

Spirit is asking you to consider another way or option when it comes to money. You may usually go the route of jobs for income, which is totally fine, but for the money you’ve been wanting, you will need to do something new and different. You are encouraged to take a leap of faith and trust in your talents and skills, to build that profitable idea into form. But take a moderate approach with this leap–don’t just quit your job and go start your business (unless you feel in your gut it is the best thing to do). You can still work and build your business (or whatever this idea is) on the side.

If you feel torn between options, follow the path that makes you feel the most inspired and excited.

The action for today is to manifest your million-dollar ideas, even if you can’t (yet) see how they will succeed. Your job is not the how but rather the what–start building or creating. Bring your idea(s) to life! This is another way to receive the answer to your prayers, for more money. Based on the advice given this week, you may already know someone in one of your networks, who can help build or fund this dream. Think on who it is and set a quick chat with them, to pick their brain.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

This week’s deckThe Manifestor Oracle (a deck I created).


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