Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-November 8 to November 14, 2021

Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-November 8 to November 14, 2021

Hello my Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for November 8 to November 14, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

You’ve been working diligently on your projects and goals–you have not given up, and Spirit sees this. Your hard work is noticed. Rewards are forthcoming!

Continue on your path because you are in alignment. Let go of any insecurities you may feel about your chosen path, even if others around you don’t understand what’s happening. The theme for this month and even this year has been stepping into our most authentic selves–shedding the beliefs, patterns, behaviors, and values we held on tightly to. Shedding everything that no longer serves us, and rediscovering ourselves.

Love yourself as you are and where you are. Open yourself to Love in all forms–there is great love here for you now. The greatest love is the love of self–be sure to accept yourself in every way. Love your body, mind, heart, spirit, thoughts, emotions, etc. Love even those moments where you felt you made a mistake or failed in some way. Everything has led you to recognize the beautiful being you are, here and now.

You will soon be reaping an even greater harvest–the time to rest on your laurels is forthcoming. Many of you will be receiving the fulfillment of wishes, before the end of the year.

Try to remember that you hold the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within you–let there be balance and harmony. Balance those moments of standing your ground and working hard, with rest and ease. Recognize the moments in life where you may need to be more active, and when you need to be more passive.

Overall the energy this week is lighter and brighter–enjoy it!

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Monday, November 8:

You may be feeling that you’re at a crossroads and uncertain of what to do/where to go next. There’s nothing wrong here; it’s just that you now have a greater sense of awareness of your choices. It’s actually a blessing not to know where you’re heading next–remember that life is full of wonderful surprises and adventures–it’s not meant to be perfectly planned out.

Spirit is asking you to choose a path–any path you choose is blessed because they are helping you. There are no mistakes; even detours will lead you back to where you need to be, eventually. Spirit is giving you a greenlight and letting you know it is safe to move forward, confidently, in any direction you choose. You are supported.

Many of you are being impacted by the Moon’s energy, so you may want to look into your moon sign’s horoscope this week, to give you some insight into your feelings. The current lunation may have you feeling confused, or insecure. If you really feel that you can’t make a decision, connect with water this week, to help you go with the flow. Water will show you where you need to go.

The action for today is to connect with Spirit and use the element of water to gain clarity and insight into what best next steps to take. Try if you can to mediate near a body of water, or play the sounds of flowing water and envision yourself by a beach, for example.

Tuesday, November 9:

Mama Moon is deepening your intuition–you will have a greater sense of clarity on what to do next, especially as the moon waxes and gets brighter. Spirit is saying that your intuition will help you determine which path to choose. Follow your gut for guidance.

You are heading to a time of greater emotional fulfillment. Pay attention to your emotions for clues on what to do/not to do. For example, if you are debating between which job to choose, consider how each opportunity makes you feel. Let your feelings help you decide.

If you love working with Lunar energy, tonight would be one to spend some time outdoors chatting with Mama Moon. If you are into manifestation work, creating something like a vision board can greatly amplify your intentions.

The action for today is to connect with your intuition, and with the Divine Feminine wisdom, which is available to us all. Tap into the wisdom of all the mothers in your life currently, and the ones who came before you. Honor and thank them. If you did not have a good relationship with your mother or the mothers in your life, consider forgiving them and forgiving yourself, to help you release any trauma bonds you may be holding on to. Try a Heart Chakra meditation to help begin the process of healing.

Wednesday, November 10:

Your cup is being filled with blessings, which can be shared in an even greater capacity with those around you. Your attraction is high right now–you are a magnet for manifestation. Be aware of your thoughts and emotions, which give you clues into the vibrations you are sending out to the universe. Whatever you broadcast you get back, so really focus on what you want to feel or receive.

Many of you are heading towards new romantic relationships, or strengthening of your current relationships. This is a time of sweetness in love. Be open to love in all forms, and if you’ve been with your romantic partner for a long time, tell and show them how much you appreciate them. Telling and showing someone you love them, even if they already know, feels so good.

Whatever it is you want more of in life, you can have–believe it! Just be open to the form in which it takes, which is not up to you. Set the course but let Life show you the form.

Today would be wonderful for dates–get dolled up and go out with your significant other, or even with friends. This is a day to be seen, so go out there looking and feeling your best.

The action for today is to spread the love. Try some manifestation work, and also a Heart Chakra meditation to release any sense of unforgiveness and fear. Connect with Rose Quartz crystal for an added boost to your love rituals.

Thursday, November 11:

This is a time of wonderful celebrations! Many of you are receiving an upgrade in relationship statuses, such as becoming engaged or even getting married. You may also be invited to upcoming festivities.

Many of you may even be celebrating the arrival of children into your families. If you’ve been considering hosting a gathering, please do so. Getting together with loved ones is highly encouraged at this time, to strengthen those love bonds.

If you’ve been working hard lately, this is a gentle reminder to relax and have some fun! Make today a play day. If possible, make a date with some loved ones to hang out, otherwise do whatever you love to do to relax at home.

The action for today is to enjoy! Have some fun and don’t take things so seriously. You are grounded, stable, and supported. Everything is working out! As well, there is a portal for manifestation currently open (11/11), so make a wish and believe it will come true.

Friday, November 12:

Today is another one to relax and take it easy. This is a time of victory for us; a time of light from the darkness. Today’s card is a reminder from the Universe to breathe. Breathe deeply and let your lungs fill with the freshness here for you now–this new and wonderous beginning.

If you’ve still been facing challenges and struggle, consider using grounding techniques such as meditation or breathwork, to help you find your stability. You will be able to perceive more clearly what to do next.

The action for today is to take a break from the hustle and bustle. Plan a getaway into nature, even if just your local park. Look at the beauty all around you. Savor the moment today. Breath is also about movement; if you’ve been feeling like the energy is stagnant, open your windows for a bit, in your home and work spaces–let fresh air in. And don’t forget to move your body! Get your heart racing with some cardio or fitness activities so you can remember to appreciate the wealth that is your health.

Saturday, November 13:

Many of you may soon receive the opportunity to move into new homes, or possibly some of you have already moved into a new home. This is a day to connect with your homes and families.

I sense though that many of you are considering moves–to new places or homes. If you’ve been on the fence about it, there’s no need to worry. Spirit is telling you to take a leap of faith. This move or transition is the answer to your prayers. Movement is encouraged.

This move or change will shift things for you in a positive way; possibly helping to boost your mood and enthusiasm about life. If you have no idea how you’ll be able to afford or plan this transition, zoom out of the details–for now just enjoy this vision of what your home will look and feel like.

For some of you this transition isn’t about a physical move in location, but instead a chance to re-model or re-decorate your homes. This is a message to make your home more of a sanctuary space–what changes can you implement to make it more warm and inviting?

The action for today is to create a vision for your homes, whether current or future home spaces. One of the things I love to do is play “The Sims” games, and I build my fantasy homes. Do something like that, or go on home-buying websites and search for the home of your dreams! Just play today–there’s no need to plan or strategize–the planning will come with guidance from Spirit.

Sunday, November 14:

There is a balancing coming with your finances.

For many of you, there will be legal disputes settled in your favor or money coming in from legal settlements. Possibly there could also be an inheritance on the way.

Money that is owed to you is on the way–this is a day for Divine compensations.

Any opportunities which were blocked are now free to make their way to you. You may soon be receiving word of new job or business opportunities. Give thanks and keep yourself open to Abundance through gratitude, and also paying it forward with charity work.

The action for today is to be grateful for all of the blessings in your life, as well as to consider at least one charity you can make a donation to. Abundance is about giving and receiving.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

This week’s deckThe Manifestor Oracle (a deck I created)


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