Daily Tarot Reading – 5/1/2020

Good morning all, and Happy May! May happens to be one of my favorite months, and I feel really good about the energy that’s coming ahead.

From the “Morgan-Greer Tarot” deck

You always have choices, but today the choice before you is, do you want to keep pushing forward or do you want to take a moment to assess? There’s no wrong answer on this, but you want to look at where you are placing your energy.

Patience is called for today, and even though you want to keep going and pushing through, try to allow this temporary pause to help you look ahead. Think on whether the current path you’re on is what you actually want for your life or if you want to choose a new adventure. The energy will be forward moving soon enough, so consider what would be in your best interest.

The great news is that seeds you have planted are sprouting. I had mentioned at our last New Moon, that whatever intentions you set then would manifest by the upcoming Full Moon (On May 7th). The ‘7’ of this card confirms this. So just wait a little longer to receive the manifestation of your desire.

Whatever the desire is, its fruition will bring emotional fulfillment and a sense of peace for you. For many could even be a fresh start on the romantic forecast. For others, a more satisfying experience with your work or career. Whatever the course, all roads will lead to Victory.

For now, enjoy how far you’ve come. Take a moment to appreciate all your hard work and effort, and all of the lessons learned. Think back on everything you have to be grateful for. You are coming into your power and understanding your place in this world. You are in alignment with your highest good and great, healing change.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to follow this blog so you can receive the daily readings straight to your inbox.



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