Daily Tarot Reading – 5/2/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Looks like you took the advice from yesterday’s reading and have chosen a clearer path for yourself.

From the “Everyday Witch Tarot” app

Because yesterday’s card was a number ‘7’ and today’s is an ‘8’, the energy is forward-moving for you. There is progress towards the fruition of a desire. The Full Moon gracing us on the 7th of this month will open a powerful gateway of manifestation for you. Keep going in the direction you feel called to, even if it seems to others that you are making a mistake.

Your choices are yours, so continue to walk to the beat of your own drum. No one really needs to understand your motives and intentions; only you need to know (and feel) that you are in alignment.

You are ready and you have the necessary knowledge and experience to walk on that new path you’re heading towards. You might not feel all the way confident, but continue to follow your gut. You are on a path towards greater rewards and fulfillment. Sometimes that means leaving behind what feels comfortable or safe. You might be tempted to quit.

Fear and uncertainty might make you hesitate about taking another step in a new direction. The choice is always yours whether you want to turn back or keep going. If you do choose to backtrack, you might just be taking a longer path towards your dreams. But I want you to know that there’s nothing more to learn or be gained from taking the longer route. You already know what you need to know.

Consider choosing the unfamiliar today.

Soon you’ll be faced with making a “big” decision that you might not feel “prepared” for, but trust that you are. All solutions are answered prayers. And when faced with multiple options, let your emotions guide your choice. Choose what makes you feel the most fulfilled.

Have a blessed day all, and don’t forget to follow to receive these daily readings straight to your inbox!


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